
I keep getting this error SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '' for key 'videos_slug_unique'what do I do to fix it


    $title and $subtitle 

    $v_title and $v_subtitle. 


    SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '' for key 'videos_slug_unique'


    $title and $subtitle 


这是我的Admin videoController

        namespace App'Http'Controllers'Admin;
        use App'Jobs'VideoFormFields;
        use App'Http'Requests;
        use App'Http'Requests'VideoCreateRequest;
        use App'Http'Requests'VideoUpdateRequest;
        use App'Http'Controllers'Controller;
        use App'Video;
        class VideoController extends Controller
             * Display a listing of the posts.
            public function index()
                return view('admin.video.index')
             * Show the new video form
            public function create()
                $data = $this->dispatch(new VideoFormFields());
                return view('admin.video.create', $data);
             * Store a newly created Video
             * @param VideoCreateRequest $request
            public function store(VideoCreateRequest $request)
                $video = Video::create($request->videoFillData());
                $video->syncTags($request->get('tags', []));
                return redirect()
                    ->withSuccess('New Video Successfully Created.');
             * Show the video edit form
             * @param  int  $id
             * @return Response
            public function edit($id)
                $data = $this->dispatch(new VideoFormFields($id));
                return view('admin.video.edit', $data);
             * Update the Video
             * @param VideoUpdateRequest $request
             * @param int  $id
            public function update(VideoUpdateRequest $request, $id)
                $video = Video::findOrFail($id);
                $video->syncTags($request->get('tags', []));
                if ($request->action === 'continue') {
                    return redirect()
                        ->withSuccess('Video saved.');
                return redirect()
                    ->withSuccess('Video saved.');
             * Remove the specified resource from storage.
             * @param  int  $id
             * @return Response
            public function destroy($id)
                $video = Video::findOrFail($id);
                return redirect()
                    ->withSuccess('Video deleted.');
            namespace App'Jobs;
            use App'Video;
            use App'Tag;
            use Carbon'Carbon;
            use Illuminate'Contracts'Bus'SelfHandling;
            class VideoFormFields extends Job implements SelfHandling
                 * The id (if any) of the Post row
                 * @var integer
                protected $id;
                 * List of fields and default value for each field
                 * @var array
                protected $fieldList = [
                    'v_title' => '',
                    'v_subtitle' => '',
                    'page_image' => '',
                    'content' => '',
                    'meta_description' => '',
                    'is_draft' => "0",
                    'publish_date' => '',
                    'publish_time' => '',
                    'layout' => 'video.layouts.v_post',
                    'tags' => [],
                 * Create a new command instance.
                 * @param integer $id
                public function __construct($id = null)
                    $this->id = $id;
                 * Execute the command.
                 * @return array of fieldnames => values
                public function handle()
                    $fields = $this->fieldList;
                    if ($this->id) {
                        $fields = $this->fieldsFromModel($this->id, $fields);
                    } else {
                        $when = Carbon::now()->addHour();
                        $fields['publish_date'] = $when->format('M-j-Y');
                        $fields['publish_time'] = $when->format('g:i A');
                    foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
                        $fields[$fieldName] = old($fieldName, $fieldValue);
                    return array_merge(
                        ['allTags' => Tag::lists('tag')->all()]
                 * Return the field values from the model
                 * @param integer $id
                 * @param array $fields
                 * @return array
                protected function fieldsFromModel($id, array $fields)
                    $video = Video::findOrFail($id);
                    $fieldNames = array_keys(array_except($fields, ['tags']));
                    $fields = ['id' => $id];
                    foreach ($fieldNames as $field) {
                        $fields[$field] = $video->{$field};
                    $fields['tags'] = $video->tags()->lists('tag')->all();
                    return $fields;


            namespace App'Http'Requests;
            use Carbon'Carbon;
            class VideoCreateRequest extends Request
                 * Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
                public function authorize()
                    return true;
                 * Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
                 * @return array
                public function rules()
                    return [
                        'v_title' => 'required',
                        'v_subtitle' => 'required',
                        'content_raw' => 'required', //                                         HERE CHANGED
                        'publish_date' => 'required',
                        'publish_time' => 'required',
                        'layout' => 'required',
                 * Return the fields and values to create a new VIDEO post from
                public function videoFillData()
                    $published_at = new Carbon(
                        $this->publish_date.' '.$this->publish_time
                    return [
                        'v_title' => $this->v_title,
                        'v_subtitle' => $this->v_subtitle,
                        'page_image' => $this->page_image,
                        'content_raw' => $this->content_raw, //                                  HERE CHANGED
                        'meta_description' => $this->meta_description,
                        'is_draft' => (bool)$this->is_draft,
                        'published_at' => $published_at,
                        'layout' => $this->layout,
            class VideoUpdateRequest extends VideoCreateRequest


            namespace App;
            use App'Services'Markdowner;
            use Illuminate'Database'Eloquent'Model;
            use Carbon'Carbon;
            use Sofa'Eloquence'Eloquence;
            class Video extends Model
                use Eloquence;
                protected $dates = ['published_at'];
                protected $fillable = [
                    'v_title', 'v_subtitle', 'content_raw', 'page_image', 'meta_description',
                    'layout', 'is_draft', 'published_at',
                 * The many-to-many relationship between posts and tags.
                 * @return BelongsToMany
                public function tags()
                    return $this->morphToMany('App'Tag', 'taggable');
                 * Set the title attribute and automatically the slug
                 * @param string $value
                public function setTitleAttribute($value)
                    $this->attributes['title'] = $value;
                    if (! $this->exists) {
                        $this->setUniqueSlug($value, '');
                 * Recursive routine to set a unique slug
                 * @param string $title
                 * @param mixed $extra
                protected function setUniqueSlug($title, $extra)
                    $slug = str_slug($title.'-'.$extra);
                    if (static::whereSlug($slug)->exists()) {
                        $this->setUniqueSlug($title, $extra + 1);
                    $this->attributes['slug'] = $slug;
                 * Set the HTML content automatically when the raw content is set
                 * @param string $value
                public function setContentRawAttribute($value)
                    $markdown = new Markdowner();
                    $this->attributes['content_raw'] = $value;
                    $this->attributes['content_html'] = $markdown->toHTML($value);
                 * Sync tag relation adding new tags as needed
                 * @param array $tags
                public function syncTags(array $tags)
                    if (count($tags)) {
                            Tag::whereIn('tag', $tags)->lists('id')->all()
                 * Return the date portion of published_at
                public function getPublishDateAttribute($value)
                    return $this->published_at->format('M-j-Y');
                 * Return the time portion of published_at
                public function getPublishTimeAttribute($value)
                    return $this->published_at->format('g:i A');
                 * Alias for content_raw
                public function getContentAttribute($value)
                    return $this->content_raw;
                 * Return URL to post
                 * @param Tag $tag
                 * @return string
                public function url(Tag $tag = null)
                    $url = url('video/'.$this->slug);  // this fixed my problem it was 'blog/'
                    if ($tag) {
                        $url .= '?tag='.urlencode($tag->tag);
                    return $url;
                 * Return array of tag links
                 * @param string $base
                 * @return array
                public function tagLinks($base = '/video?tag=%TAG%') // this fixed my problem it was 'blog?tag=%TAG%/'
                    $tags = $this->tags()->lists('tag');
                    $return = [];
                    foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                        $url = str_replace('%TAG%', urlencode($tag), $base);
                        $return[] = '<a href="'.$url.'">'.e($tag).'</a>';
                    return $return;
                 * Return next post after this one or null
                 * @param Tag $tag
                 * @return Post
                public function newerPost(Tag $tag = null)  //                 //here newVideo v_index & v_post
                    $query =
                        static::where('published_at', '>', $this->published_at)
                            ->where('published_at', '<=', Carbon::now())
                            ->where('is_draft', 0)
                            ->orderBy('published_at', 'asc');
                    if ($tag) {
                        $query = $query->whereHas('tags', function ($q) use ($tag) {
                            $q->where('tag', '=', $tag->tag);
                    return $query->first();
                 * Return older post before this one or null
                 * @param Tag $tag
                 * @return Post
                public function olderPost(Tag $tag = null) //                 //here olderVideo v_index & v_post
                    $query =
                        static::where('published_at', '<', $this->published_at)
                            ->where('is_draft', 0)
                            ->orderBy('published_at', 'desc');
                    if ($tag) {
                        $query = $query->whereHas('tags', function ($q) use ($tag) {
                            $q->where('tag', '=', $tag->tag);
                    return $query->first();


        use Illuminate'Database'Schema'Blueprint;
        use Illuminate'Database'Migrations'Migration;
        class CreateVideosTable extends Migration
             * Run the migrations.
             * @return void
            public function up()
                Schema::create('videos', function (Blueprint $table) {
             * Reverse the migrations.
            public function down()


public function setVTitleAttribute($value) {
public function setVSubtitleAttribute($value) {


public function setTitleAttribute($value)
                    $this->attributes['title'] = $value;
                    if (! $this->exists) {
                        $this->setUniqueSlug($value, '');

public function setVTitleAttribute($value)
                    $this->attributes['v_title'] = $value;
                    if (! $this->exists) {
                        $this->setUniqueSlug($value, '');