
Getting the sum of a value for two seperate date ranges in same column and in a single MySQL query


<<p> 销售表/strong>
id_sale date       time
  1     2014-05-05 12.30 am  
  2     2014-05-06 10.30 am 
  3     2014-05-25 12.30 am   

Sale Product表

   id_sale_product id_sale price  quantity  id_product
      1              1     10.00   1           1
      2              1     20.00   1           2
      3              2     20.00   3           5
      4              3     20.00   4           6



$query = 'SELECT sp.`id_product_type`,sp.`id_product`,sp.`quantity`,sp.`price`,s.`date`
              , SUM(IF(s.`date` BETWEEN "'.$datepickerFrom.'" AND "'.$datepickerTo.'",sp.`price` * sp.`quantity`,0)) AS A
              FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'sale_product` sp
              LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'sales s ON (sp.id_sale = s.id_sale) 
              WHERE (s.`date` BETWEEN "'.$datepickerFrom.'" AND "'.$datepickerTo.'")';


Example: Date
01/01/2013    Rs.10000
02/01/2013    Rs.140000
03/01/2013    Rs.8000
Example: Month
January     Rs. 2,00,000
Feburary    Rs. 2,20,000


select a.date,sum(b.qty * b.price) As sum from sales As a, product As b where DATE_FORMAT(a.date,'%d-%m-%Y') between '27-05-2014' AND '28-05-2014' and a.id_sale=b.id_sale group by a.date