
set php variable to find current page

$pages = array('Text1.php', 'Text2.php', 'Text3.php');
// $currentpage depends the page you're on
$currentId = array_search($currentpage, $pages);




$currentPage = basename(__FILE__);



$currentPage = __FILE__;



$currentPage = __DIR__;


$currentpage = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];


$posofslash = strrpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],'/');
$currentpage = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],$posofslash);

这是我在自己的网页游戏中使用的一段代码。措词略有改变,但代码本身工作得很好。任何php代码都可以放在'if'语句中,这里我使用了'print '。

    ///---Various Navigation & Functions Depending on Current Page---///
$findpage = strrpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],'/');  
$currentpage = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],$findpage);
if ($currentpage == '/home.php'){
 print "This message is displayed when the client is on the 'home' page.";
 print "If you so chose, you can put the entire 'home' page code in here.";
 print "While keeping this the only code being executed.";}
if ($currentpage == '/features.php'){
 print "This message is displayed when the client is on the 'features' page.";
 print "If you so chose, you can put the entire 'features' page code in here.";
 print "While keeping this the only code being executed.";}
if ($currentpage == '/menu.php'){
 print "This message is displayed when the client is on the 'menu' page.";
 print "If you so chose, you can put the entire 'menu' page code in here.";
 print "While keeping this the only code being executed.";}
if ($currentpage == '/store.php'){
 print "This message is displayed when the client is on the 'store' page.";
 print "If you so choose, you can put the entire 'store' page code in here.";
 print "While keeping this the only code being executed.";}