
How can i Merge these two php scripts into one


脚本1。将store 1和2的描述复制/合并到storeview 6

require_once 'abstract.php';
class Mage_Shell_DescMerge extends Mage_Shell_Abstract
    const STORE_ID_1 = 1; // Replace this with correct value
    const STORE_ID_2 = 2; // Replace this with correct value
    const STORE_DESTINATION = 6; // Replace this with correct value
    public function run()
        $catalogResourceModel = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product');
        $catalogAction = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_action');

        $collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
        foreach ($collection as $product) {
            $productId = $product->getId();
            if($product->getId() >= 29932)

                echo "Updating product $productId'n";
                $descrStore1 = $catalogResourceModel
                    ->getAttributeRawValue($productId, 'description', static::STORE_ID_1);
                $descrStore2 = $catalogResourceModel
                    ->getAttributeRawValue($productId, 'description', static::STORE_ID_2);

                $attrs = array(
                    'description' => $descrStore1.'<br />'.$descrStore2,
                    ->updateAttributes(array($productId), $attrs, static::STORE_DESTINATION);
            else {}
$shell = new Mage_Shell_DescMerge();

然后我有一个单独的文件,将描述从storeview 2复制到storeview 3。

require_once 'abstract.php';
class Mage_Shell_DescMerge extends Mage_Shell_Abstract
    const STORE_ID_2 = 2; // Replace this with correct value
    const STORE_DESTINATION = 3; // Replace this with correct value
    public function run()
        $catalogResourceModel = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product');
        $catalogAction = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_action');

        $collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
        foreach ($collection as $product) {
            $productId = $product->getId();
        if($product->getId() >= 29932)

            echo "Updating product $productId'n";
            $descrStore2 = $catalogResourceModel
                ->getAttributeRawValue($productId, 'description', static::STORE_ID_2);

            $attrs = array(
                'description' => $descrStore2,
                ->updateAttributes(array($productId), $attrs, static::STORE_DESTINATION);
        else {}
$shell = new Mage_Shell_DescMerge();


