PHP:使用post来检索用户输入的数据'在伪代码&is Array("value) =>bool允许

PHP: Use post to retrieve 'user inputted data' in pseudocode & is Array("value) => $bool allowed?



不幸的是,我几乎没有@ PHP的经验,因此我有一些困难弄清楚以下三件事:

  1. 我是否需要使用$post(…的值)来"检索"他们的个人信息,或者只是简单地说明变量/bool足够?

  2. 我可以使用数组,就像我在$技能?基本上我希望读者想象如下:skilltype | myskill

  3. 是否为$interest的数组项分配bool值这样正确?这里我希望读者们思考一下:兴趣| personalboolvalue


$skills = array ("PHP" => $level, "HTML5" => $level, "CSS3" => $level, "SQL" => $level);
$interests = array ("iOS" => $bool, "start_up" => $bool, "money" => $bool);
if ($skill[0, 1, 2, 3] == "expert") {
    if ($interests[0, 1] == TRUE && $interests[2] == FALSE) {
        if ($interested && $entrepreneur && $concrete_exp && $willing_to_commit) {
            echo "Please go to /images/qrcode.png";


// form submission haldling
if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
    if (isset($_POST["skills"]) &&
            isset($_POST["interests"]) &&
            $_POST["skills"] == array("PHP", "HTML", "CSS3", "SQL") &&
            $_POST["interests"] == array("iOS", "start_up")) {
        header("location: /images/qrcode.png");
    } else {
        echo "We are not interested by your profile.";
$skills = array("PHP", "HTML", "CSS3", "SQL", "World of Warcraft");
$interests = array("iOS", "start_up", "money");
<form name="poll" action="" method="POST">
        <?php foreach ($skills as $skill) : ?>
                <input type="checkbox" name="skills[]" id="<?php echo $skill ?>" value="<?php echo $skill ?>">
                <label for="<?php echo $skill ?>"><?php echo $skill ?></label>
        <?php endforeach; ?>
        <?php foreach ($interests as $interest) : ?>
                <input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" id="<?php echo $interest ?>" value="<?php echo $interest ?>">
                <label for="<?php echo $interest ?>"><?php echo $interest ?></label>
        <?php endforeach; ?>
    <input type="submit" name="submit"/>