PHP 仅在前 100 个字符后添加 <br />

php add <br /> only after first 100 characters

如何在前 100 个字符之后添加<br />?我的意思是只中断一次,而不是在每 100 个字符后添加<br />

$str="Apple has announced that co-founder, former CEO and chairman of the board Steve Jobs has passed away at the age of 56, so we take a look back at the famous innovator's life.At left, Steve Jobs, chairman of the board of Apple Computer, leans on the new 'Macintosh' personal computer following a shareholder's meeting Jan. 24, 1984, in Cupertino, Calif. The Macintosh was priced at $2,495.";
//echo substr($str, 0, 100).'<br />'; this will break sentence after 100 characters. 
//echo wordwrap($str, 100, "'n<br />'n");this will add <br /> after each 100 characters.


Apple has announced that co-founder, former CEO and chairman of the board Steve Jobs has passed away    
<br /> <-- only add here.
at the age of 56, so we take a look back at the famous innovator's life.At left, Steve Jobs, chairman of the board of Apple Computer, leans on the new 'Macintosh' personal computer following a shareholder's meeting Jan. 24, 1984, in Cupertino, Calif. The Macintosh was priced at $2,495.

如果你的意思是写"100个字母后分手"而不是字符,那么substr不行。wordwrap确实会反复工作。因此,您需要手动查找 100 个字母并在那里注入中断:

$str = preg_replace('/^.{100,}?'b/s', "$0<br>", $str);

PHP 有一个函数,可以将一个字符串插入到另一个特定位置,它被称为 substr_replace

echo substr_replace($str, '<br>', 100, 0);

如果您需要支持 UTF-8(您没有指定任何编码(,您可以使用正则表达式和 preg_replace 来执行此操作,这也允许不剪切单词:

echo preg_replace('/^.{80,120}+'b/su', '$0<br>', $str);

substr获取前 100 个字符并添加一个<br />,然后在之后获取所有其他字符。例:

    echo substr( $string , 0, 100)
         , "<br />"
         , substr( $string, 100 );
$str="Apple has announced that co-founder, former CEO and chairman of the board Steve Jobs has passed away at the age of 56, so we take a look back at the famous innovator's life.At left, Steve Jobs, chairman of the board of Apple Computer, leans on the new 'Macintosh' personal computer following a shareholder's meeting Jan. 24, 1984, in Cupertino, Calif. The Macintosh was priced at $2,495.";
$first_part = substr ( $str ,0,100);
$second_part = substr ( $str ,100); //Goes to end of str
$new = $first_part."<br />".$second_part;


    $str="Apple has announced that co-founder, former CEO and chairman of the board Steve Jobs has passed away at the age of 56, so we take a look back at the famous innovator's life.At left, Steve Jobs, chairman of the board of Apple Computer, leans on the new 'Macintosh' personal computer following a shareholder's meeting Jan. 24, 1984, in Cupertino, Calif. The Macintosh was priced at $2,495.";
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i += 99)
        if ((strlen($str) - $i) < 100) {
            echo substr($str, $i, strlen($str));
        } else {
            echo substr($str, $i, 100);
        echo "<br />";


$text = "...";
if (isset($text[100])) {
    $text[100] = $text[100] . "<br />";