
PHP: Change variable scope

是否可以在另一个类中将变量的访问权限从public更改为protected ?在我看来,根据我的一点点知识,这是不可能的,但我希望PHP专家可以帮助我找出这是真的吗?

class A
    var $myvar;
Class B
    function __Construct()
        $A = new A();
        // Can I change scope of $A->myvar to protected?


class A
    protected $myvar;
    protected $isMyVarPublic;
    function __construct($isMyVarPublic = true)
        $this->isMyVarPublic = $isMyVarPublic;
    function getMyVar()
        if (!$this->isMyVarPublic) {
            throw new Exception("myvar variable is not gettable");
        return $this->myvar;
    function setMyVar($val)
        if (!$this->isMyVarPublic) {
            throw new Exception("myvar variable is not settable");
        $this->myvar = $val;
class B
    function __construct()
        $A = new A(false);