PHP cronjob自动提醒邮件

php cronjob auto reminder email


$expiringDate = "2015-07-21";
$todaydate = date("Y-m-d");
$date = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-15 days", strtotime($expiringDate)));
if($todaydate == $date){
//send mail


$expiringDate = "2015-07-21";
$todaydate = date("Y-m-d");
$date = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-15 days", strtotime($expiringDate)));
if($todaydate == $date){
//send mail
//check and change the value if today is the expiring






$reminderSent = false; // Get this value from the db (true or false)
$expiryActioned = false; // Get this value from the db (true or false)
$expiringDate = strtotime('2015-07-21'); // Get this date from the db
$todayDate = time();
$reminderDate = strtotime("-15 days", $expiringDate);
if ($todayDate >= $reminderDate && $reminderSent == false) {
    // Send mail
    // Set flag $reminderSent in database to indicate reminder has been sent
} elseif ($todayDate >= $expiringDate && $expiryActioned == false) {
    // Do something
    // Set $expiryActioned in database to indicate the user has expired and something has been done about it



// Select all users that expire in 15 days or less
SELECT `userid`, `name`, `email` FROM `user` WHERE NOW() >= DATE_SUB(`expiry`, INTERVAL 15 DAY) AND reminder_sent = 0
// Now loop through each user, send them an email and then:
UPDATE `user` SET reminder_sent = 1 WHERE `userid` = X

// Select all users that have expired
SELECT `userid`, `name`, `email` FROM `user` WHERE NOW() >= `expiry` AND `expiry_actioned` = 0
// Now loop through each user, do whatever you need to and then:
UPDATE `user` SET expiry_actioned = 1 WHERE `userid` = X