
Return array of mysql database


// Create connection
include_once 'functions.php';
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
   echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$state = $_POST["state"];
$db = $state."Standards";
// This SQL statement selects ALL from the table $db
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $db";
// Check if there are results
if ($result = mysqli_query($con, $sql)) {
    // If so, then create a results array and a temporary one
    // to hold the data
    $resultArray = array();
    $tempArray = array();
    // Loop through each row in the result set
    while($row = $result->fetch_object()) {
        // Add each row into our results array
        $tempArray = $row;
        array_push($resultArray, $tempArray);
    // Finally, encode the array to JSON and output the results
    echo json_encode($resultArray);
// Close connections

不返回任何值。但是,如果我把echo json_encode($row);while命令中,它将返回数据,但当然是在每行单独的括号{}中(这里是它的一部分):

{"Grade":"1","1CE":"1CE Identify echo and call'/response.","2CE":"2CE Explore steady beat, rhythm and meter.","3CE":"3CE Listen to and identify music of various and contrasting styles, composers, periods and cultures.","4CE":"4CE Identify elements of music using developmentally appropriate vocabulary (e.g., rhythm syllables and solfege). ","5CE":"5CE Explore selected musical instruments aurally and visually.","6CE":"6CE Attend live music performances with emphasis on concert etiquette.","7CE":"","8CE":"","1PR":"1PR Demonstrate echo and call'/response. ","2PR":"2PR Sing (using head voice and appropriate posture) and move to music of various styles, composers and cultures with accurate pitch and rhythm.","3PR":"3PR Read, write and perform using eighth notes, quarter notes and quarter rests. ","4PR":"4PR Improvise new lyrics to known songs and experiment with digital technology.","5PR":"5PR Read, write and perform la-sol-mi melodies on the treble staff in Gdo, F-do and C-do using a system (e.g., solfege, numbers or letters). ","6PR":"6PR Play a variety of classroom instruments, alone and with others, and demonstrate proper technique.","7PR":"7PR Demonstrate audience behavior appropriate for the context and style of music performed.","8PR":"","9PR":"","1RE":"1RE Recognize how music is used for a variety of occasions.","2RE":"2RE Describe how music communicates feelings, moods, images and meaning.","3RE":"3RE Communicate a response to music using dance, drama or visual art.","4RE":"4RE Connect concepts shared between music, other art forms and other curricular subjects.","5RE":"5RE Form and express personal opinions about a m...



如果$row被成功json_encoded,那么下面的代码应该工作。但. .让我们看看调试后发现了什么。

// ... code
$resultArray = array();
while($row = $result->fetch_object()) {
    // Add each row into our results array
    $resultArray[] = $row;
// debugging output
print_r($resultArray); // <-- is the result of this output what you expect?
echo json_encode($resultArray);
// ... code


while($row = $result->fetch_object())
    // Add each row into our results array (and encode in utf8)
    $tempArray['grade'] = $row->grade;
    $tempArray['category'] = utf8_encode($row->category);
    $tempArray['standard'] = utf8_encode($row->standard);
    $resultArray[] = $tempArray;
// Finally, encode the array to JSON and output the results
echo json_encode($resultArray);