
PHP - how i count numerical character and string character to check username length value?


我有一个代码在yii 2 useraccount控制器像这样:

        // new user
        if ( $username != '' && $password != '' && intval($group) > 0 && !$exist)
            $myFunctions    = new userFunctions;
            $exist = $myFunctions->isUserNameExist( $username );
            $isValid = $myFunctions->isValidPassword( $password );
            $checkUsername = strlen($username);
            // $temp = str_split($username); // Convert a string to an array by each character
            // // if don't want the spaces
            // $temp = array_filter($temp); // remove empty values
            // $checkUsername = count($temp);
            if ( $isValid == 0 && !$exist)
                $result = $myFunctions->saveNewUser( $username, $password, $group, $expired );
                $error =  ( $result ) ? 0 : 1;
            else if( $exist )
                $error = 3;
            else $error = 2;
    echo 'yii'helpers'Json::encode(['result' => $result, 'error' => $error, 'checkUsername' => $checkUsername ]);


                function saveNewUsers()
                                type     :'POST',
                                dataType : 'json',
                                data     : { id: $('#hiUserID').val(), username : $('#txtUsername').val(), password: $('#txtPassword1').val(), group: $('#cbUserGroup').val(), expired: $('#cbExpired').val() },
                                url  : '" . 'Yii::$app->getUrlManager()->createAbsoluteUrl('useraccount/saveuser') . "',
                                success  : function(response) {
                                    if ( !response.result ) {
                                        if ( response.error == 2 )
                                        else if( response.error == 3 )
                                        else if( response.checkUsername > 20)
                                        else $('#errorMessageUser').html(DecodeEntities('{$myLabels[22]}.')).show();
                                    else {      



我已经找到了答案,是的,感谢Chris 85, strlen不是问题,但问题是在控制器,这是我改变我的代码:

if ( $username != '' && $password != '' && intval($group) > 0 && !$exist)
            $myFunctions    = new userFunctions;
            $exist = $myFunctions->isUserNameExist( $username );
            $isValid = $myFunctions->isValidPassword( $password );
            $checkUsername = strlen($username);
            // var_dump($checkUsername); die();
            if ( $isValid == 0 && !$exist && $checkUsername <= 20)
                $result = $myFunctions->saveNewUser( $username, $password, $group, $expired );
                $error =  ( $result ) ? 0 : 1;
            elseif ($checkUsername > 20 ) 
                $error = 99;
            else if( $exist )
                $error = 3;
            else $error = 2;


function saveNewUsers()
                                type     :'POST',
                                dataType : 'json',
                                data     : { id: $('#hiUserID').val(), username : $('#txtUsername').val(), password: $('#txtPassword1').val(), group: $('#cbUserGroup').val(), expired: $('#cbExpired').val() },
                                url  : '" . 'Yii::$app->getUrlManager()->createAbsoluteUrl('useraccount/saveuser') . "',
                                success  : function(response) {
                                    if ( !response.result ) {
                                        if ( response.error == 2 )
                                        else if( response.error == 3 )
                                        else if( response.error == 99)
                                        else $('#errorMessageUser').html(DecodeEntities('{$myLabels[22]}.')).show();
                                    else {      
