jQuery ajax在Chrome中工作,但不是Firefox或IE

jQuery ajax works in Chrome but not Firefox or IE







<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// Declare variables
    var checked = <?php echo $row['value']; ?>; //get value of Liked or Disliked from database
    var postID = <?php echo $row['postID']; ?>; //get post ID from database
    var userID = <?php echo $current_user->ID; ?>; //get the wordpress user's ID
    var showLikes = $("input[name*='show_likes']"); //represents checkbox for Hide Liked
    var showDislikes = $("input[name*='show_dislikes']"); //represents checkbox for Hide Disliked
// Set the remembered Liked and Disliked buttons
    if (checked == 1) {
        $('#post_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').addClass('like'); 
        $('#like_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').removeClass('likeimgoff').addClass('likeimgon');
    } else if (checked == 0) {
        $('#post_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').addClass('dislike'); 
        $('#dislike_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').removeClass('dislikeimgoff').addClass('dislikeimgon');
//When Liked button is clicked do this
$('#like_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').click(function() {
// Declare variables
    var value = '1';
// Send values to database
        url: 'check.php',
        type: 'POST',
        data: 'userID=' + userID + '&postID=' + postID + '&value=' + value,
        success: function(result) {
            $('#Message_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').html('').html(result).prependTo('#post_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>');
// If post is Disliked, change to Liked
    $('#post_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').removeClass('dislike').addClass('like');
    $('#dislike_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').removeClass('dislikeimgon').addClass('dislikeimgoff');
    $('#like_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').removeClass('likeimgoff').addClass('likeimgon');
// If Hide Liked checkbox is on, toggle the post
    if (showLikes.attr('checked')) {
        $('#post_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').toggle();
    return false;
//When Disliked button is clicked do this
$('#dislike_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').click(function() {
// Declare variables
    var value = '0';
// Send values to database
        url: 'check.php',
        type: 'POST',
        data: 'userID=' + userID + '&postID=' + postID + '&value=' + value,
        success: function(result) {
            $('#Message_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').html('').html(result).prependTo('#post_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>');
// If post is Liked, change to Disliked
    $('#post_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').removeClass('like').addClass('dislike');
    $('#like_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').removeClass('likeimgon').addClass('likeimgoff');
    $('#dislike_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').removeClass('dislikeimgoff').addClass('dislikeimgon');
// If Hide Disliked checkbox is on, toggle the post
    if (showDislikes.attr('checked')) {
        $('#post_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').toggle();
    return false;
//When Hide Liked checkbox clicked, toggle all Liked posts.
    $("input[name*='show_likes']").click(function() {
        if ($('#post_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').is('.like')) {
            $('#post_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').toggle();
//When Hide Disliked checkbox clicked, toggle all Disliked posts.
    $("input[name*='show_dislikes']").click(function() {
        if ($('#post_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').is('.dislike')) {
            $('#post_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>').toggle();


<div id="post_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>" class="post">
<div id="post_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>_inside" class="inside">
    <div id="like">
        <a id="like_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>" class="likeimgoff" href="#"><span></span></a>
    <div id="dislike">
        <a id="dislike_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>" class="dislikeimgoff" href="#"><span></span></a>
    <b><?php echo $row['Title']; ?></b><br>
    <?php echo $row['Description']; ?><br>
<div id="Message_<?php echo $row['postID']; ?>" class="reminder"></div>


mysql_connect("name.database.com", "username", "password") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("databasename") or die(mysql_error());
if (isset($_POST['userID'])){
$userID = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['userID']);   
echo "No userID";
if (isset($_POST['postID'])){
$postID = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['postID']);   
echo "No postID";
if (isset($_POST['value'])){
$value = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['value']);   
echo "No value";
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userPosts WHERE userID='$userID' AND postID='$postID';") or die(mysql_error()); 
if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) { 
mysql_query("UPDATE userPosts SET value='$value' WHERE userID='$userID' AND postID='$postID';") or die(mysql_error());
} else {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO userPosts (userID, postID, value) VALUES ('$userID', '$postID', '$value') ") or die(mysql_error()); 
echo "UserID: " .$userID. " PostID: " .$postID. " Value: " .$value;

