
Sending email with multiple attachments in php


  $subject="Online Prijava";
  $from = stripslashes($_POST['ime'])."<".stripslashes($_POST['email_adresa']).">";
  if(empty($_POST['ime']) || empty($_POST['email_adresa']))
    $errors .= "'n Greska: nisu uneta sva obavezna polja";
  $tmp_name = $_FILES['fotokopija_uplatnice']['tmp_name'];
  $type = $_FILES['fotokopija_uplatnice']['type'];
  $file_name = $_FILES['fotokopija_uplatnice']['name'];
  $size = $_FILES['fotokopija_uplatnice']['size'];
  $message = "PODACI U PSU:
'n Razred: " .$_POST['razred']. "
'n Boja: " .$_POST['boja']. "
'n Tip dlake: " .$_POST['tip_dlake']. "
'n Velicina: " .$_POST['velicina']. "
'n Pol: " .$_POST['pol']. "
'n Visina: " .$_POST['visina']. "
'n Tezina: " .$_POST['tezina']. "
'n Ime psa: " .$_POST['ime_psa']. "
'n Broj pedigra: " .$_POST['broj_pedigrea']. "
'n Datum rodjenja: " .$_POST['datum_rodjenja']. "
'n Otac: " .$_POST['otac']. "
'n Broj pedigrea oca: " .$_POST['broj_pedigrea_oca']. "
'n Majka: " .$_POST['majka']. "
'n Broj pedigra majke: " .$_POST['broj_pedigra_majke']. "
'n Odgajivac: " .$_POST['odgajivac']. "
'n Ime: " .$_POST['ime']. "
'n Adresa: " .$_POST['adresa']. "
'n Grad: " .$_POST['grad']. "
'n Drzava: " .$_POST['drzava']. "
'n Telefon: " .$_POST['telefon']. "
'n Email adresa: " .$_POST['email_adresa'];
  $headers = "From: $from'r'n";
  if (file_exists($tmp_name)){
      $file = fopen($tmp_name,'rb');
      $data = fread($file,filesize($tmp_name));
      $data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data));
    $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0'r'n" .
      "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'r'n" .
      " boundary='"{$mime_boundary}'"";
    $message .= "'n'n'nThis is a multi-part message in MIME format.'n'n" .
      "--{$mime_boundary}'n" .
      "Content-Type: text/plain; charset='"iso-8859-1'"'n" .
      "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit'n'n" .
      $message . "'n'n";
    $message .= "--{$mime_boundary}'n" .
      "Content-Type: {$type};'n" .
      " name='"{$file_name}'"'n" .
      //"Content-Disposition: attachment;'n" .
      //" filename='"{$fileatt_name}'"'n" .
      "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'n'n" .
      $data . "'n'n" .
  if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers))
    echo '<div><center><h1>Prijava uspesno poslata.</h1></center></div>';
  } else {
    echo '<div><center><h1>Greska prilikom slanja prijave. Molimo pokusajte ponovo.</h1></center></div>';


require "classes/class.phpmailer.php"; // include the class name
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;                                 
$mail->Host = 'xx';           
$mail->Username = 'xxxx'; 
$mail->Password = 'xx';
$mail->Port = xxx;
$mail->AddAttachment("1.jpg"); //Attach a file here
$mail->AddAttachment("2.jpg"); //Attach a file here
$mail->AddAttachment("3.jpg"); //Attach a file here
$mail->AddAttachment("4.jpg"); //Attach a file here
$mail->MsgHTML("<b>Two Attachment. Great Job!.. <br/>"); //Put your body of the message you can place html code here
//send the message, check for errors
if (!$mail->send()) {
echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
echo "SENDING";





$subject="Online Prijava";
$from = stripslashes($_POST['ime'])."<".stripslashes($_POST['email_adresa']).">";
// generate a random string to be used as the boundary marker
// now we'll build the message headers
$headers = "From: $from'r'n" .
 "MIME-Version: 1.0'r'n" .
  "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'r'n" .
  " boundary='"{$mime_boundary}'"";
// here, we'll start the message body.
// this is the text that will be displayed
// in the e-mail
  $message = "PODACI U PSU:
'n Razred: " .$_POST['razred']. "
'n Boja: " .$_POST['boja']. "
'n Tip dlake: " .$_POST['tip_dlake']. "
'n Velicina: " .$_POST['velicina']. "
'n Pol: " .$_POST['pol']. "
'n Visina: " .$_POST['visina']. "
'n Tezina: " .$_POST['tezina']. "
'n Ime psa: " .$_POST['ime_psa']. "
'n Broj pedigra: " .$_POST['broj_pedigrea']. "
  'n Datum rodjenja: " .$_POST['datum_rodjenja']. "
'n Otac: " .$_POST['otac']. "
'n Broj pedigrea oca: " .$_POST['broj_pedigrea_oca']. "
'n Majka: " .$_POST['majka']. "
'n Broj pedigra majke: " .$_POST['broj_pedigra_majke']. "
'n Odgajivac: " .$_POST['odgajivac']. "
'n Ime: " .$_POST['ime']. "
'n Adresa: " .$_POST['adresa']. "
'n Grad: " .$_POST['grad']. "
'n Drzava: " .$_POST['drzava']. "
'n Telefon: " .$_POST['telefon']. "
'n Email adresa: " .$_POST['email_adresa'];
// next, we'll build the invisible portion of the message body
// note that we insert two dashes in front of the MIME boundary
// when we use it
$message = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.'n'n" .
  "--{$mime_boundary}'n" .
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset='"iso-8859-1'"'n" .
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit'n'n" .
$message . "'n'n";
// now we'll process our uploaded files
foreach($_FILES as $userfile){
  // store the file information to variables for easier access
  $tmp_name = $userfile['tmp_name'];
  $type = $userfile['type'];
  $name = $userfile['name'];
  $size = $userfile['size'];
  // if the upload succeded, the file will exist
  if (file_exists($tmp_name)){
     // check to make sure that it is an uploaded file and not a system file
        // open the file for a binary read
        $file = fopen($tmp_name,'rb');
        // read the file content into a variable
        $data = fread($file,filesize($tmp_name));
        // close the file
        // now we encode it and split it into acceptable length lines
        $data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data));
     // now we'll insert a boundary to indicate we're starting the attachment
     // we have to specify the content type, file name, and disposition as
     // an attachment, then add the file content.
     // NOTE: we don't set another boundary to indicate that the end of the
     // file has been reached here. we only want one boundary between each file
     // we'll add the final one after the loop finishes.
     $message .= "--{$mime_boundary}'n" .
        "Content-Type: {$type};'n" .
        " name='"{$name}'"'n" .
        "Content-Disposition: attachment;'n" .
        " filename='"{$fileatt_name}'"'n" .
        "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'n'n" .
     $data . "'n'n";
// here's our closing mime boundary that indicates the last of the message
// now we just send the message
if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers))
  echo "Message Sent";
  echo "Failed to send";}