UPDATE reflected in DB but not SELECT query


我使用PHP, MySQL, JavaScript和运行JQUERY和AJAX函数。


该函数清空DIV标记,然后用is null where子句填充/显示(SELECT查询)DIV中的行表。每一行都有一个选择框,其中包含NULL数据列。选择框中的数据来自另一个表。


当您单击链接以再次运行该函数(空,选择query并基于空列显示)时,刚刚更新到DB的行再次显示基于is null子句。此时检查DB表显示它实际上不是空的,并且在第一次执行时正确地更新了。




function closeItemsBtn() { // called by a click function of a standard link/button
  $('#CloseItems').empty(); // remove all html from the DIV
  var newAppend = '';
  //[... connect to db ...]
  // select info from 2 different tables so it can be used in different locations if necessary
  // where the row has not been reviewed and therefore is null
  $query = "select * from nearmiss where reviewedId is null order by submitDate desc";
  $result = $db->query($query) or die($db->error);
  $query2 = "select * from hazardid where reviewedId is null order by submitDate desc";
  $result2 = $db->query($query2) or die($db->error);
  $num_rows = $result->num_rows;
  $num_rows2 = $result2->num_rows;
  // create html for the DIV tag. Creates a table in a DIV that collapses by clicking aCloseList.
  // each row is in tbody so it can be striped by a all purpose striping function
  // this part is the table header and opening div tags and link
  $newAppend = "<p id='"closeList'"><a href='"#'" id='"aCloseList'">Show/Hide</a> {$num_rows} Near Misses requiring attention.</p><div id='"closenearmiss'" style='"display:none;'"><table class='"closenearmisstable'"><tbody><tr><td>Date Submitted</td><td>Submitted By</td><td>Location</td><td>Reviewed By</td></tr><tr><td rowspan='"2'">Type</td><td colspan='"3'">Description / Observation</td></tr><tr><td colspan='"3'">Action / Reinforcement</td></tr></tbody>";
  // update various foreign key information from other tables
  for ($i=0;$i<$num_rows;$i++) {
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
$query3 = "select location from locations where locationId='{$row['locationId']}'";
$result3 = $db->query($query3);
$location = $result3->fetch_assoc();
$query3 = "select name from employees where employeeId='{$row['employeeId']}'";
$result3 = $db->query($query3);
$name = $result3->fetch_assoc();
      // here is the table itself with the select tag in the null column name=reviewed
$newAppend .= "<tbody><tr><td>{$row['submitDate']}</td><td>{$name['name']}</td><td>{$location['location']}</td><td><form name='"nearmissreview'" action='"'" method='"'"><input type='"hidden'" name='"docId'" value='"{$row['nearmissId']}'"><input type='"hidden'" name='"type'" value='"nearmiss'"><select name='"reviewed'"><option>Choose name to sign off</option></select></form></td></tr><tr><td rowspan='"2'">Near Miss</td><td colspan='"3'">{$row['description']}</td></tr><tr><td colspan='"3'">{$row['action']}</td></tr></tbody>";
$newAppend .= "</table></div>";
// this is the beginning of the second table same structure as first with collapsing but
      // different data
$newAppend .= "<p id='"closeList'"><a href='"#'" id='"aCloseList'">Show/Hide</a> {$num_rows2} Hazard IDs requiring attention.</p><div id='"closehazardid'" style='"display:none;'"><table class='"closehazardidtable'"><tbody><tr><td>Date Submitted</td><td>Submitted By</td><td>Location</td><td>Reviewed By</td></tr><tr><td rowspan='"2'">Type</td><td colspan='"3'">Description / Observation</td></tr><tr><td colspan='"3'">Action / Reinforcement</td></tr></tbody>";
  for ($i=0;$i<$num_rows2;$i++) {
$row = $result2->fetch_assoc();
$query3 = "select location from locations where locationId='{$row['locationId']}'";
$result3 = $db->query($query3);
$location = $result3->fetch_assoc();
$query3 = "select name from employees where employeeId='{$row['employeeId']}'";
$result3 = $db->query($query3);
$name = $result3->fetch_assoc();
$newAppend .= "<tbody><tr><td>{$row['submitDate']}</td><td>{$name['name']}</td><td>{$location['location']}</td><td><form name='"hazardidreview'" action='"'" method='"'"><input type='"hidden'" name='"docId'" value='"{$row['hazardidId']}'"><input type='"hidden'" name='"type'" value='"hazardid'"><select name='"reviewed'"><option>Choose name to sign off</option></select></form></td></tr><tr><td rowspan='"2'">Hazard ID</td><td colspan='"3'">{$row['description']}</td></tr><tr><td colspan='"3'">{$row['action']}</td></tr></tbody>";
$newAppend .= "</table></div>";
echo "newAppend='{$newAppend}';";
// put HTML of $newAppend php in the DIV
// fill the select box with a variable set somewhere else in the code not displayed here
$('#CloseItems select[name=reviewed]').append(newAppendE);
stripePointsTable('.closenearmisstable tbody');
stripePointsTable('.closehazardidtable tbody');
// close list click options
$('#closeList > a').each(function() {
$(this).click(function() {
    if ($(this).parent().next().css('display')=='none') {
    } else {

// select tag change function that calls ajax and displays a message in a DIV called header
$('#closenearmiss select').change(function() {
    function processDataClose(data, success) {
        if (success) {
            $('#header').prepend(data+"<br />");
        } else {
            $('#header').prepend(data+"<br />");
    var formData = $(this).parent().serialize();


尝试在ajax调用中设置cache: false