
PHP set variable in function within switch within foreach


class Users {
    public function createUserData(){
        $user = $this->getUserData(); //not shown function
    private function createFullDataSet($user){
        foreach( $user['meta'][0] as $key => $value) {
        //variables required later
        $entity_def_id = 0;
        $entity_id = 0;
        $data_def_id = 0;
        $user_id = 0;
        //thats plenty, you get the idea
        switch( $key ){
           case "id":
               //set $user_id to use later
               $user_id = $value; // <<-- DOESN'T WORK, only works within the case
           case "email":
           case "username":
           case //lots of other cases...
           case "location":
           case "hometown":
           case "something":
               //for the last three, the data structure is the same, good test case
               //foreach starts when certain conditions met, irrelevant for question
               foreach( $value as $data_key => $data_value ){
                   $data_type = 'string';
                   if( is_numeric( $data_value )
                       $data_type = 'integer';
                   $data_def_id = $this->createDataDef( some $vars ); //returns an ID using $pdo->lastInsertId(); ( works as has echo'd correctly, at least within this case )
                   $this->createSomethingElse //with variables within this foreach, works
            } //end of switch
            $this->createRelation( $data_def_id ); // <<-- DOESN'T WORK!! Empty variable
    private function createRelation( $data_def_id ){
        // something awesome happens!

从上面的代码中可以看出,我想在switch语句之外使用一个变量,尽管由于现有的数据结构,它需要在foreach -> switch -> foreach中声明(这种数据结构很痛苦,这就是为什么需要这样做的原因,在任何人问之前:不可以"只是更改以使其更容易")。


我需要能够在整个私有函数(包括foreach, switch等)中使用private function中的变量。我做错了什么?我该如何改正?


class Users {
    public function createUserData(){
        $user = $this->getUserData(); //not shown function
    private function createFullDataSet($user){//variables required later
        static $entity_def_id = 0; //static within function instead of non-static within foreach
        static $entity_id = 0;
        static $data_def_id = 0;
        static $user_id = 0;
        //thats plenty, you get the idea
        foreach( $user['meta'][0] as $key => $value) {
            //remainder of that method with switch( foreach () )
    private function createRelation( $data_def_id ){
        // something awesome happens!


将它们定义为class properties如何?

class User {
    private $data_def_id;
    private function createFullDataSet($user){
        $this->data_def_id = $this->createDataDef( some $vars );