CakePHP / PHP:删除<如果当前记录的数组中有空的电话值

CakePHP / PHP: remove <th> if there are empty phone values in the array for the current record

我的输出工作完美,只有一个例外:有些人没有电话号码,如果没有可用的电话号码,我不想包括标题(电话)。我已经为输出解决了这个问题。我试着在Phone周围包装一个foreach,但当然这重复了foreach person记录组。

 <th>Phone</th> <!-- This <th> should not display if all phone numbers are empty. -->
<?php foreach ($persons as $person) : ?>
 <td><?php $person['name']; ?></td>
 <td><?php $person['email']; ?></td>
<?php if($person['phone'] != '') { ?> // removes column box if there is no phone number.
 <td><?php $person['phone']; ?></td>
<?php } ?>

  $countEle = count($persons);
  $count = 0;
  foreach($persons as $person) {
    if(empty($person['phone'])) {
  //then you could check as
<?php if($count < $countEle) { ?>
<?php } ?>

提前遍历数组,检查是否有任何人有电话号码,然后在条件中使用它。下面是PHP 5.3+的一行代码:

<?php $hasPhone = array_reduce($persons, function ($hasPhone, $person) { return $hasPhone || $person['phone']; }, false); ?>
  <?php if ($hasPhone) : ?>
  <?php endif; ?>
<?php foreach ($persons as $person) : ?>
  <?php if ($person['phone']) : ?>
    <td><?php $person['phone']; ?></td>
  <?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>