
Timer for online examination system to stores the time for each individual section



$countfile = "counter.txt";
// location of site statistics.
$statsfile = "stats.txt";
// checks whether the file exist, if not then server will create it.
if (file_exists($countfile)) {
// open the counter hit file.
$fp = fopen($countfile, "r"); 
// reads the counter hit file and gets the size of the file.
$output = fread($fp, filesize($countfile));
// close the counter hit file.
// get the integer value of the variable.
$count = intval($output);
// if file is doesn't exist, the server will create the counter hit file and gives a value of zero.
else { 
$count = 0;
// showcount function starts here.
function ShowCount() { 
// declares the global variables.
global $ShowCount, $countfile, $statsfile, $count;
// get the current month.
$month = date('m');
// get the current day.
$day = date('d');
// get the current year.
$year = date('Y');
// get the current hour.
$hour = date('G');
// get the current minute.
$minute = date('i');
// get the current second.
$second = date('s');
// this is the date used in the stats file
$date = "$month/$day/$year $hour:$minute:$second";
// this is the remote IP address of the user.
$remoteip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
// some of the browser details of the user.
$otherinfo = getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
// retrieve the last URL where the user visited before visiting the current file.
$ref = getenv("HTTP_REFERER");
// open the statistics file. 
$fp = fopen($statsfile, "a");
// put the given data into the statistics file.
fputs($fp, "Remote Address: $remoteip | ");
fputs($fp, "Information: $otherinfo | ");
fputs($fp, "Date: $date | ");
fputs($fp, "Referer: $ref'n");
// close the statistics file.
// adds 1 count to the counter hit file.
// open the counter hit file.
$fp = fopen($countfile, "w");
// write at the counter hit file.
// if the value is 34, it will be changed to 35.
fwrite($fp, $count);
// close the counter hit file.
// showcount variable is equal to count variable.
$ShowCount = $count;
// return the value of the count variable into showcount variable.
return $ShowCount;
// display the value in the counter hits file.
echo showcount(), " visits";



// Upon starting the section
$_SESSION['TIMER'] = time() + 600; // Give the user Ten minutes



<script type="text/javascript">
var TimeLimit = new Date('<?php echo date('r', $_SESSION['TIMER']) ?>');


<script type="text/javascript">
function countdownto() {
  var date = Math.round((TimeLimit-new Date())/1000);
  var hours = Math.floor(date/3600);
  date = date - (hours*3600);
  var mins = Math.floor(date/60);
  date = date - (mins*60);
  var secs = date;
  if (hours<10) hours = '0'+hours;
  if (mins<10) mins = '0'+mins;
  if (secs<10) secs = '0'+secs;
  document.body.innerHTML = hours+':'+mins+':'+secs;


  1. 当学生开始考试时,将StartTime存储在某个存储/数据库中
  2. 要显示倒计时,您可以在客户端使用javascript。编写一个需要两次的函数,第一次是服务器时间,第二次是StartTime。使用这些,您可以了解候选人解决问题的时间,并由此了解剩余时间。使用javascript的setInterval,您可以显示滴答作响的手表
  3. 对于解决问题所花费的时间,存储问题对候选人可见的持续时间
  4. 添加单个问题所花费的时间,并显示总时间
