
Issue with send private message or send message to specific user in socket.io




 * -------------------
 * Express
 * -------------------
var app = require('express')(),
        http = require("http"),
        url = require('url'),
        cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'), 
        // the session is stored in a cookie, so we use this to parse it
        session = require('nodePhpSessions').SessionHandler,
        sessionHandler = new session(),
        morgan = require("morgan"),
        expressSession = require("express-session"),
        phpUnserialize = require("php-unserialize"),
        sessionStore = new expressSession.MemoryStore(),
        parseUrl = null, uId = null, uName = null, uEmail = null;
// Transaction logger
// must use cookieParser before expressxSession
    name: "Whizchat",
    secret: '47760ae7-9660-4d4c-b15d-b9986edccbf3ss',
    store: sessionStore,
    saveUninitialized: true,
    resave: true,
    cookie: {
        path: "/",
        httpOnly: true,
        secure: true,
        maxAge: null,
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Requested-With");
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type");
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS");
app.set('host', "localhost");
app.set('port', "3000"); //process.env.PORT
 * -------------------
 * Socket Connections
 * -------------------
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
    parseUrl = url.parse(req.url, true).query;
    if ("string" === typeof (parseUrl.dataJSON)) {
      var _objUser = JSON.parse(parseUrl.dataJSON);
      uId = (_objUser.user_id === undefined || _objUser.user_id === "" || _objUser.user_id === null) ? null : _objUser.user_id;
      uName = (_objUser.username === undefined || _objUser.username === "" || _objUser.username === null) ? null : _objUser.username;
      uEmail = (_objUser.user_email === undefined || _objUser.user_email === "" || _objUser.user_email === null) ? null : _objUser.user_email;
    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-type': "text/plain"});
var io = require('socket.io')(server);
server.listen(app.get("port"), app.get("host"), function () {
    console.log("Server up and running...");
server.on('error', function (e) {
    console.log("Error occured :" + e);
 * -------------------
 * Redis 
 * -------------------
var redis = require("redis");
 *  Sender
var publisher = redis.createClient();
 * Receiver
var subscriber = redis.createClient();
 * List of all channels (sorted set using Z<command>)
 * Sorted set name : channels
var channel_Count = 0;
var channel_name = "channel";
var user_channel = 0
 * Lists of all users (sorted set using Z<command)
 * Sorted set name : onlineusers
var userlists = [], usersSocket = [];
var uids = [], socketids = [];
var get_old_communication_channel_name = "";
 * All Users related channels set ( unordered/unsorted set using s<command>)
 * Unsorted set name : userschannel
var usersChannels;
var msgChannel = "messageChannelSet";
var messageTable = "messageTable";
 * Message set (sorted set)
var message_Id = 1;
//global array 
var arr_msg_id = [];
var arr_sender_reciver_msg = [];
 * User set
var channelSet;
var countMember, countChannel;
 * Identified that user_reference_id based set (unordered) is generated or not
foreach userSet on <user>
  var countMember = smembers <user>;
  if(countMember is empty set or nil){
      isNewChannelGenerate = true;
 * -------------------
 * Mysql
 * -------------------
/*var mysql = require("mysql");
 var connection = mysql.createConnection({
 host: "localhost",
 user: "root",
 password: "password",
 database: "whiz"
 * -------------------
 * functions
 * -------------------
function subscribeMessage(_subscriber) {
  subscriber.on("message", function (channel, message) {
    console.log("redis connection message:" + message);
function setMessageData(msg){
  console.log("message call");  
function pushToRedis(subscriber, data) {
  console.log("push to channel"+JSON.stringify(data));
  console.log(" call first push ..."+data.uId+"==="+data.reciver);
  var msg = data.msg;
  var channel_name;
  if(data.uId && data.reciver){
      subscriber.SINTER("user_"+data.uId, "user_"+data.reciver,  function(err, replies) {
      console.log("get_old_communication_channel_name  :"+get_old_communication_channel_name+"=="+replies);    
      if(get_old_communication_channel_name != replies) {
      get_old_communication_channel_name = replies;
      //one to one communication in message new create  channels replies == 0 then
      console.log("replies SCARD  :"+replies.length);
      if(replies.length == 0){
          var channel_Count_no;
          subscriber.SCARD(msgChannel, function(err, channel_Count) {
          console.log("channel_Count  :"+channel_Count);
          if(channel_Count == 0){
            channel_name = "channel1";
            subscriber.SADD("user_"+data.uId, "channel1");    
            subscriber.SADD("user_"+data.reciver, "channel1");
            subscriber.SADD("channelSet", "channel1");  
            channel_Count_no = channel_Count + 1;
            channel_name = "channel"+channel_Count_no;
            subscriber.SADD("user_"+data.uId, "channel"+channel_Count_no);    
            subscriber.SADD("user_"+data.reciver, "channel"+channel_Count_no);
            subscriber.SADD("channelSet", "channel"+channel_Count_no); 
           // subscriber.SADD(msgChannel, "message_channel"+channel_Count_no); 
      console.log(" call first push1 ...");    
      //one to one communication in message new create  channels replies == 1 then
      if(replies.length == 1){ 
        get_old_communication_channel_name = replies; 
        channel_name = replies;     
        console.log("ch_name :"+replies);
        console.log("data.msg  :"+msg);
        console.log("msgChannel  :"+msgChannel);
        console.log("arr_msg_id.length  :"+arr_msg_id.length);
        if(arr_msg_id.length < 1 ){
          console.log("arr_msg_id.length After  :"+arr_msg_id.length);
          subscriber.HGETALL("message_"+channel_name, function(err, replies1) {
             * HGETALL  redis command to get all redord and for lop to javascript insert in this arr_msg_id array.
             * After for loop to get all record in messageTable.
            for (i in replies1) {
            for (i in arr_msg_id) {
              var _index = arr_msg_id[i];
              subscriber.HGET(messageTable, _index, function(err, replies2) {
      subscriber.HLEN(messageTable, function(err, replies1) {
        subscriber.SADD(msgChannel, "message_"+channel_name);
        message_Id = replies1 + 1;
        subscriber.HSET(messageTable, message_Id, JSON.stringify(data), function(err, reply) {
          if (err) throw err;
        * message_channel1,2,3....
        * that match message_channel in insert ID and massage_text.
        subscriber.HSET("message_"+channel_name, "msg_"+message_Id, message_Id);
function getCurrentTime() {
  return Math.floor(new Date().valueOf() / 1000);
function accessSecureSessionInfo() {  
  if ("string" === typeof (parseUrl.dataJSON)) {
    console.log("step in 1");
    var _objUser = JSON.parse(parseUrl.dataJSON);    
    uId = (_objUser.user_id === undefined || _objUser.user_id === "" || _objUser.user_id === null) ? null : _objUser.user_id;
    uName = (_objUser.username === undefined || _objUser.username === "" || _objUser.username === null) ? null : _objUser.username;
    uEmail = (_objUser.user_email === undefined || _objUser.user_email === "" || _objUser.user_email === null) ? null : _objUser.user_email;
 * -------------------
 * Redis Subscriber
 * -------------------
if (uId && uName && uEmail) {
var basket = {};
var index =0;
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  var _subscriber = redis.createClient();
  socket.on('connection', function (cma) {
    console.log('Server running on *:' + app.get('port'));      
    console.log("before start:"+userlists.length);
    if(data.uid !== null && data.uid !== undefined && data.uid !== "") {          
      var _socketid = socket.id;
      var _uid = data.uid;
      var _findIndex = uids.indexOf(_uid)
      if(_findIndex === -1){
      }else if(_findIndex !== -1){
        socketids[_findIndex] = _socketid;
      io.sockets.sockets[_uid] = _socketid;
  socket.on("chat1", function (data) {
      var _data = {
      uId : data.sender_id,
      from: data.sender_name,
      msg: data.msg,
      reciver : data.reciver
    pushToRedis(_subscriber, _data); 
  socket.on("chat", function (data) {
    var dt = new Date();
    var hours = dt.getHours();
    var mid;
    if(hours >= 12){ mid='pm';}
    else{ mid='am';}
    var time = (dt.getHours() < 10?'0':'')+dt.getHours()+ ":" + (dt.getMinutes() < 10?'0':'')+dt.getMinutes() + ":" + (dt.getSeconds() < 10?'0':'')+dt.getSeconds()+" "+mid;
    var _data = {
      uId : data.sender_id,
      from: data.sender_name,
      msg: data.msg,
      reciver : data.reciver,
      //date: time
      //date: getCurrentTime()
    arr_sender_reciver_msg.push({uId : data.sender_id,from : data.sender_name,msg : data.msg, reciver : data.reciver});
    var _sender_id = data.sender_id;    
    var _uIndex = uids.indexOf(data.reciver.toString());
    if(_uIndex !== -1){
      var _socketId = socketids[_uIndex];
      io.sockets.socket[_socketId].send("publishMessage", arr_sender_reciver_msg); 
  socket.on('disconnect', function () {


<script src="<?php echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . "/js/socket.io.js"; ?>"></script>
<script language="javascript">
$(function () {
    var socket = io.connect("http://localhost:3000/");
    // select2
    var reciver_id;
    var sender_id = "<?php echo Yii::app()->session['user_id'];?>";
    var sender_name = "<?php echo Yii::app()->session['username'];?>";
        return false;
     * -------------------
     * Methods
     * -------------------
    $.fn.clearAndFocus = function (){
    $.fn.sendMessageToServer = function(){
        socket.emit("chat1", {sender_id:sender_id, sender_name:sender_name, reciver:reciver_id, msg: $("#txtMessage").val()});            
     * -------------------
     * Events
     * -------------------
    $("#btnSend").on("click", function () {
    $("#txtMessage").on("keyup", function (e) {
        if (e.keyCode === 13) {
     * -------------------
     * Socket Events
     * -------------------
    socket.on('connect', function () {
        console.log("whiz client is connected");
    socket.on("publishMessage", function (data) {
        for(i in data)
            <div class='"chat-row'">'n'
            <div class='"name-me'">" + data[i].from + "</div>'n'
            <div class='"chat-text'">" + data[i].msg + "</div>'n'
            <div class='"chat-time'">" +"Reciver :"+data[i].reciver+ "</div>'n'
    socket.on('disconnect', function(){});



socket.broadcast.to( other_user_socket_id ).emit( "hello" );