如何配置Jenkins for php覆盖率报告

How to configure Jenkins for php coverage report?


我有一个正在运行的单元测试。我必须在以下复选框中进行检查:生成后操作?我必须安装一个插件吗?单元测试在php 5.3.2中,我运行symfony 1.4.5


php "test/unit/RbcTest.php"


  require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../bootstrap/unit.php';
  require_once 'PHP/CodeCoverage/Autoload.php';
  set_include_path ('phoenix/lib/');
  $coverage = new PHP_CodeCoverage;
  $writer = new PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Clover;
  $writer->process($coverage, 'phoenix/test/clover.xml');
  $writer = new PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_HTML;
  $writer->process($coverage, 'phoenix/test/code-coverage-report');
<?php //strtolowerTest.php
echo "1. for strlower";
require_once 'phoenix/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/vendor/lime/lime.php';
echo "2. for strlower";
require_once 'phoenix/lib/validator/myValidatorString.class.php';
echo "3. for strlower";
require_once 'phoenix/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/validator/sfValidatorString.class.php';
$t = new lime_test(2,  new lime_output_color());
$t->is(myValidatorString::doCleanEmail('blabla-32.mtmail..com'), 'blabla@mtmail.com');
$t->is(myValidatorString::doClean('@#*+??%^!~blabla-===32.mtmail..com'), 'blabla@mtmail.com');
$t->is(myValidatorString::slugify('sensio   labs'), 'sensio-labs');
$t->is(myValidatorString::slugify('paris,france'), 'paris-france');
$t->is(myValidatorString::slugify('  sensio'), 'sensio');
$t->is(myValidatorString::slugify('sensio  '), 'sensio');
$t->is(myValidatorString::slugify(''), 'n-a', '::slugify() converts the empty string to n-a');
$t->is(myValidatorString::slugify(' - '), 'n-a', '::slugify() converts a string that only contains non-ASCII characters to n-a');
$t->diag('hello world');
$t->ok(true, 'test something');



PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Class test/phpunit/unit/RbcTest could not be found in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/b32b733b59ba6be9884da7427bee5c95/phoenix/test/phpunit/unit/RbcTest.php.Publishing Clover coverage report...
Publishing Clover HTML report...
Publishing Clover XML report...
Publishing Clover coverage results...
Code coverage enforcement failed for the following metrics:
Setting Build to unstable.
Build step 'Publish Clover Coverage Report' changed build result to UNSTABLE
Publishing Clover coverage report...
Publishing Clover XML report...
Publishing Clover coverage results...
Code coverage enforcement failed for the following metrics:
Setting Build to unstable.
[ci-game] evaluating rule: Build result
[ci-game] evaluating rule: Increased number of failed tests
[ci-game] evaluating rule: Increased number of passed tests
[ci-game] evaluating rule: Decreased number of failed tests
[ci-game] evaluating rule: Decreased number of passed tests
[ci-game] evaluating rule: PMD violation
[ci-game] evaluating rule: pylint violation
[ci-game] evaluating rule: CPD violation
[ci-game] evaluating rule: Checkstyle violation
[ci-game] evaluating rule: FindBugs violation
[ci-game] evaluating rule: FXCop violation
[ci-game] evaluating rule: Simian violation
[ci-game] evaluating rule: StyleCop violation
[ci-game] evaluating rule: HIGH priority PMD warnings
[ci-game] evaluating rule: NORMAL priority PMD warnings
[ci-game] evaluating rule: LOW priority PMD warnings
[ci-game] evaluating rule: Changed number of compiler warnings
[ci-game] evaluating rule: Changed number of checkstyle warnings
Finished: UNSTABLE

 class myValidatorString extends sfValidatorString
    static public function slugify($text)
       echo "in myvalidatorstring for class sfValidatorString.class.php";
       // replace all non letters or digits by -
       $text = preg_replace('/'W+/', '-', $text);
       // trim and lowercase
       $text = strtolower(trim($text, '-'));
       if (empty($text))
        return 'n-a';
       return $text;




对于PHP,您可以使用Clover PHP插件。安装该插件后,您将有额外的作业配置选项来设置所有内容(请参阅插件的描述)。