
How to merge two sql queries into one with variable limit


user_favourites -> id, user_id, product_id   
product -> id, title, bought




select product_id from user_favourites where user_id = $userId


select id, title, count(bought) from product group by id limit 9




create table product
  id int not null auto_increment primary key,   -- as per op question and assumption
  title varchar(255) not null,
  bought int not null   -- bought count assumption, denormalized but who cares for now
create table user_favourites
  id int not null auto_increment primary key,   -- as per op question and assumption
  user_id int not null,
  product_id int not null,
  unique index (user_id,product_id)
  -- FK RI left for developer
insert into product (title,bought) values ('He Bought 666',10),('hgdh',9),('dfhghd',800),('66dfhdf6',2),('He Bought this popular thing',900),('dfgh666',11);
insert into product (title,bought) values ('Rolling Stones',20),('hgdh',29),('4dfhghd',100),('366dfhdf6',2),('3dfghdgh666',0),('The Smiths',16);
insert into product (title,bought) values ('pork',123),('and',11),('beans',16),('tea',2),('fish',-9999),('kittens',13);
insert into user_favourites (user_id,product_id) values (1,1),(1,5);
select P.id, P.title, P.bought,
    WHEN uf.user_id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE -1 END
) AS ordering
from product as P
left join user_favourites as UF on(P.id=UF.product_id)
where UF.user_id=1 OR  UF.user_id IS NULL
order by ordering,bought desc
limit 9;


id  title                         bought  ordering  
5   He Bought this popular thing  900     -1        
1   He Bought 666                 10      -1        
3   dfhghd                        800     0         
13  pork                          123     0         
9   4dfhghd                       100     0         
8   hgdh                          29      0         
7   Rolling Stones                20      0         
12  The Smiths                    16      0         
15  beans                         16      0         


select P.id, P.title, P.bought 
from product as P
left join user_favourites as UF on(P.id=UF.product_id)
where UF.user_id=$user_id OR  UF.user_id IS NULL
order by user_id DESC
limit 9;;;

假设在product表中,每个产品有1行,购买的是一个整数,而不是像group by所暗示的那样,每个买家有1行

Here's fiddle