Match PHP Comment Constructs with REGEX

我正在尝试编写一个正则表达式,它与单行php注释相匹配,该注释以双正斜杠开始,一直持续到行的末尾。我的正则表达式模式应该匹配双正斜杠之后的每个字符,而Negative Lookbehin构造将匹配限制为换行符之前的每个字符。


$detail = '//This first line is a comment 
This second line is not a comment.';
function parser($detail) 
    if (preg_match('#(//.*)((?<!.)'r'n)$#', $detail)) 
        $errors[] = 'Password should include uppercase and lowercase characters.';
        $detail = preg_replace('#(//.*)((?<!.)'r'n)$#','<span class="com"   style="color:red">$1</span>', $detail);
    return $detail;
echo parser($detail);


$detail = '//This line is a comment
This second line is not a comment
This third line is not a comment';
function parser($detail) 
    $detail = preg_replace('#//(.*)#','<span style="color:red">//$1</span><br/>', $detail);
    return $detail;
echo parser($detail);