
Javascript Output using PHP


<?php if(isset($_POST['submit']))
    $email = $_POST["Email_i"];
    $checkRe = mysql_query("select * from contact_form where email='$email'",$con);
      $check = 1;


<form action="#" method="post" name="myForm" onSubmit="return CheckForm()">
    <input type="submit" name="submit">
<script type="text/javascript">
function CheckForm()
    var calc =1;
    var Checkre = "<?php 
    echo $check; ?>";
   if(calc == Checkre)
        alert('phone number exists');
        return false;

上述函数不设置CCD_ 1的值。

不要使用HTML FORMS,而是尝试使用jQuery AJAX


        var x = $("#textbox").val();
            type: "POST",
            url: "url-to-php-api",
            data: { reference:x },
            dataType: "HTML-or-JSON-or-JSONP",
            timeout: 30000, //1 sec = 1000 ms
            error: function(x, t, m) {
                if (t === "timeout") {
                    alert("Network Connection Delayed.");
                    //this is for network error i.e.: connection delays
                //and some other codes for other errors~
                //error function runs when there is some error with the jQuery AJAX syntax
            success: function(retData) {
                alert("PHP RESPONSE: " + retData);
                //success function runs when the js successfully communicated, passed the values to PHP, gets result and back
            complete: function() {
                alert("jQuery AJAX Function Complete.");
                //complete function runs after the process is completed, regardless of being error of successful
