如何避免在 cakephp 中为特定函数执行保存后调用

how to avoid call afterSave for particular function execute in cakephp

如何避免调用 afterSave for 特定函数在 cakephp 中执行

在模型 I 中具有

公共函数 afterSave() {}

每次使用我需要调用的表单手动插入记录时,我需要调用 afterSave()...

但是当我使用 for 循环插入记录时。 我不想在保存()之后调用

我的 for 循环代码是

if(count($properties)>0) {
        foreach($properties as $key => $value) {
            $ppinsertdata = array(
                            'id' => '',
                            'property_id' => $value,
                            'plan_id' => ConstPropertyPlan::Free,
                            'is_expired' => 0,
                            'expiry_date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+$duration days",time()))
            $pplastinsertid = $this->PropertyPlan->getLastInsertID();
            $updateproperty['id'] = $key;
            $updateproperty['property_plan_id'] = $pplastinsertid;
            $updateproperty['plan_id'] = ConstPropertyPlan::Free;


如何避免在这种情况下调用 afterSave()


试试这个 -

 $this->PropertyPlan->save($ppinsertdata, array('callbacks' => false)); //for disabling all callbacks

阅读此内容 -

callbacks Set to false to disable callbacks. Using ‘before’ or ‘after’ will enable only those callbacks

save() - cakephp