Magento 通过 php 获取函数

Magento get function trough php

我正在尝试从 Magento 通过 php 获取一些数据,它可以工作,但我需要添加多个集合,现在我卡住了。我只是一个初学者,所以请原谅我:-)


function getcustomers() {
    /* Magento's Mage.php path
     * Mage Enabler users may skip these lines
    require_once ("app/Mage.php");
    /* Magento's Mage.php path */
    /* Get customer model, run a query */
  $collection = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')
    //$collection = Mage::getModel('customer/address')
    $result = array();
    foreach ($collection as $customer) {
        $result[] = $customer->toArray();
    return $result;
table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
td {
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    <td>Is Active?</td>
    <td>Date Created</td>
    <td>Date Updated</td>
    <td>Website ID</td>
    <td>Store ID</td>
    <td>Zip Code</td>
$result = getcustomers();
if(count($result) > 0){
    foreach($result as $key => $value){
        echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td>".$value['entity_id']."</td>";
            echo "<td>".$value['lastname']."</td>";
            echo "<td>".$value['firstname']."</td>";
            echo "<td>".$value['email']."</td>";
            echo "<td>";
            echo $value['is_active'] == 1 ? "Yes" : "No";
            echo "</td>";
            echo "<td>".$value['created_at']."</td>";
            echo "<td>".$value['updated_at']."</td>";
            echo "<td>".$value['website_id']."</td>";
            echo "<td>".$value['store_id']."</td>";
            echo "<td>".$value['zipcode']."</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "<tr><td colspan='"7'">No records found</td></tr>";



然后可以使用$customer->getId()来获取 ID。然后可以将其传递到地址模型中

foreach($collection as $customer){
  // You have an instance of the Customer already, so we can just use a magic get method
  $cid = $customer->getId();
  // Let's load this customers address, using a chain. Load the model (instantiate the class), then call load with the customer id
  // You might want to check the alias on 'customer' to ensure it has address. You can find this in /app/code/core/Mage/Customer/etc/config.xml ln.251
  $address = Mage::getModel('customer/address')->load($cid);
  // Maybe we should look in here just in case - for debugging
  var_dump($address); // or echo get_class($address);
  // Here I would try one of the magic setter methods, which map to set<Thing> so you can play with this to see if it'll work
  // Then we should be able to save it, I think, this bit I'm not sure on.

正如我所说,这只是我上周从Magento U视频中学到的,希望它有效!