缓存文件的超时(以 php 为单位)

Timeout for a cache file in php



我想(如果可能的话)检查文件属性的超时(例如上次使用函数 filemtime() 修改的日期)。我们可以向文件添加自定义属性吗?



final class Cache_Var extends Cache {
  public static function put($key, $value, $timeout=0) {
    // different timeout by variable (if 0, infinite timeout)
  public static function get($key) {
    // no timeout to get a var cache
    // return null if file not found, or if timeout expire
    // return var otherwise


$validity = 60 * 60; // 3600s = 1 hour
if(filectime($filename) > time() - $validity) {
  // cache is valid
} else {
  // cache is invalid: recreate it

周围有一些缓存 fdrameworks 正是使用这种机制的。


final class Cache_Var extends Cache {
  public static function put($key, $value, $timeout=0) {
    // different timeout by variable (if 0, infinite timeout)
    // ...
    touch($filename, time() + $timeout);
    // For static files with unlimited lifetime I would simply store
    // them in a separate folder