在 ajax 成功函数中返回两个变量

Return two variables in ajax success function

如何在一个函数中同时返回包裹编号和注释数?我有两个单独的 sql 字符串返回不同的结果。我希望能够返回 apn 编号并将值放入标签中以及有多少评论。这可能吗?我该怎么做?


    url: "classes/get-apn-count-comments.php?parcel_id=" + parcel_id,
    type: "GET",
    data: { parcel_id : parcel_id },
    dataType: 'json',
    error: function(SMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){
        alert("An error has occurred making the request: " + errorThrown);
    success: function(data2){
        //do stuff here on success
        $('#ViewComments').val('View ' + data2[0].count + ' Comments');


if(isset($_GET['parcel_id'])) {
    $db = new ezSQL_mysql(DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST);
    //get the apn based on id
    //$data = $db->get_results("select apn from parcels where parcel_id=" . $_GET['parcel_id']);
    //if($data != null) echo json_encode($data);
    //count number of comments for the id
    $data2 = $db->get_results("select count(*) as count from comments where parcel_id=" . $_GET['parcel_id']);
    echo json_encode($data2);

在 php 端创建一个数组来保存答案一和答案二。然后json_encode并回显新的多维数组,就像使用旧数组一样。



if(isset($_GET['parcel_id'])) {
  $db = new ezSQL_mysql(DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST);
  $return = array();
  //get the apn based on id
  $data = $db->get_results("select apn from parcels where parcel_id=" . $_GET['parcel_id']);
  if($data != null){
    $return['data_one'] = $data;   
  //count number of comments for the id
  $data2 = $db->get_results("select count(*) as count from comments where parcel_id=" .$_GET['parcel_id']);
  if($data2 != null){
    $return['data_two'] = $data2;
  echo json_encode($return);


success: function(res){
    //do stuff here on success
    res = JSON.parse(res);