
how to search a multidimensional array data according to another multidimensional array data result

我有 2 个多维数组,可以从数据库中的 2 个不同表中获取数据。其中一个有 3 个团队,另一个有团队的订单。

$sql = "select id, supervizori, grupi, tipo_crt, operatori, data, status, nome, cognome, cel, codice_fiscale from kontrata";
    $result = mysqli_query($dbCon, $sql);
    if(!$sql) {
    } //this query takes the orders from the kontrata table.
$sql_2 = "select * from grupi";
$result_2 = mysqli_query($dbCon, $sql_2);
    if(!$sql_2) {
    } // this query take the teams from the grupi table.
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {            
        $kontratat[$row['id']]['supervizori'] = $row['supervizori'];
        $kontratat[$row['id']]['grupi'] = $row['grupi'];
        $kontratat[$row['id']]['tipo_crt'] = $row['tipo_crt'];
        $kontratat[$row['id']]['operatori'] = $row['operatori'];
        $kontratat[$row['id']]['data'] = $row['data'];
        $kontratat[$row['id']]['status'] = $row['status'];
        $kontratat[$row['id']]['nome'] = $row['nome'];
        $kontratat[$row['id']]['cognome'] = $row['cognome'];
        $kontratat[$row['id']]['cel'] = $row['cel'];
        $kontratat[$row['id']]['codice_fiscale'] = row['codice_fiscale'];
} // In this loop i take the data according to the order table.
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_2)) {      
    $kontratat_2[$kontratat['id']]['grup_name'] = $row['grup_name'];
} // In this loop i take the teams.

循环后,我使用 foreach 将数据发送到表中,但是当我调用 foreach 结果时,我得到了所有订单(这是正常的),但我有 100 个订单这3支球队已经做到了。我想使用 secont 循环过滤每个团队的订单。简而言之,我使用第一个查询中的"ID"查看每个团队的所有订单,而不是向同一团队支付 50 次。谢谢:)

    [11] => Array
        [supervizori] => data
        [grupi] => Doctors //this is the team
        [tipo_crt] => LUCE
        [operatori] => data
        [data] => 2015-12-20
        [status] => OK
        [nome] => data
        [cognome] => data
        [cel] => data
        [codice_fiscale] => shkrfl93a08a123a
[12] => Array
        [supervizori] => data
        [grupi] => BMW //this is the team
        [tipo_crt] => data
        [operatori] => data
        [data] => 2015-12-22
        [status] => KO
        [nome] => rgrg
        [cognome] => grdgdrgdrg
        [cel] => serges
        [codice_fiscale] => a
[17] => Array
        [supervizori] => data
        [grupi] => Doctors  //this is the team    
        [tipo_crt] => GAS
        [operatori] => data
        [data] => 2015-12-24
        [status] => Atessa
        [nome] => dscc
        [cognome] => csdfvsg
        [cel] => wgwegwe
        [codice_fiscale] => rgrwgrwg
[18] => Array
        [supervizori] => data
        [grupi] => Bosat //this is the team
        [tipo_crt] => data
        [operatori] => data
        [data] => 2015-12-24
        [status] => OK
        [nome] => dscc
        [cognome] => csdfvsg
        [cel] => wgwegwe
        [codice_fiscale] => rgrwgrwg
[19] => Array
        [supervizori] => data
        [grupi] => Doctors   //this is the team   
        [tipo_crt] => LUCE
        [operatori] => data
        [data] => 2015-12-29
        [status] => Atessa
        [nome] => dhr
        [cognome] => rhrdh
        [cel] => rdhrdh
        [codice_fiscale] => rdhrdh
[20] => Array
        [supervizori] => data
        [grupi] => Doctors   //this is the team   
        [tipo_crt] => LUCE
        [operatori] => data
        [data] => 2016-01-04
        [status] => OK
        [nome] => dwadwa
        [cognome] => jgv
        [cel] => jlgv
        [codice_fiscale] => jgv
    ) // this is the first array from orders
    [8] => Array
            [grup_name] => BMW   
    [9] => Array
            [grup_name] => Doctors      
    [10] => Array
            [grup_name] => Bosat    
 )// the teams array


$completeData = array();
foreach($orders as $order)
    if(!array_key_exists($order['grupi'], $completeData))
        $completeData[$order['grupi']] = array();
    $completeData[$order['grupi']][] = $order;
