
getting only the most recent post


select a.username, b.last_post from logins as a join (select login_id, entry as last_post from posts) as b where a.id = b.login_id

| username  | last_post           |
| something | 2013-10-08 22:12:00 |
| other     | 2013-10-08 22:13:00 |
| test      | 2013-10-08 22:13:03 |
| test      | 2013-10-08 22:14:20 |
| hello     | 2013-10-08 22:12:53 |
| hello     | 2013-10-08 22:12:56 |



SELECT a.username, 
       MAX(b.entry) last_post 
FROM   logins a 
       INNER JOIN posts b 
         ON a.id = b.login_id
GROUP  BY a.username


SELECT  a.*, b.*
FROM    logins a 
        INNER JOIN posts b 
            ON a.id = b.login_id
        INNER JOIN
            SELECT  login_id, MAX(entry) entry
            FROM    posts
            GROUP   BY login_id
        ) c ON  b.login_id = c.login_id AND
                b.entry = c.entry