
Identify duplicate entry for user, MySQL & PHP


Duplicate entry 'graphics' for key 'name'


"Graphics" is a duplicate entry and should not be used. Please remove it and resubmit the form."

键将始终是"名称",但重复条目本身通常会有所不同。我需要能够从生成的 MySQL 错误中提取该特定值,然后将我的自定义消息包装在它周围。怎么能做到这一点呢?

您可以尝试进行简单的错误检查,在发生 mysql 错误时向用户显示您的错误消息。你可以尝试这样的事情:

$rows = mysql_query("SELECT `name` from `tbl` WHERE `name` = 'graphics';");
if(mysql_num_rows($rows) > 0){
    echo '"Graphics" is a duplicate entry and should not be used. Please remove it and resubmit the form.';


其次,您可以使用if else循环根据错误打印自定义消息喜欢

      $check_exists = // runs the code here to check if the entry graphics already exists for the existing name
     if ($post['name'] == ''){
     // error message for blank entry 
     }elseif($check_exists == true) {
   // custom error mesage for duplicate entry 
    }else {
  // submit the form here