在 PHP 中读取 XML 文件并将值存储在数组中

Reading an XML file in PHP and store the values in an array

我只是PHP的初学者。只是想确保我正在做的事情是正确的,或者我使事情复杂化,或者 ajax 中是否有任何替代方案

我必须读取 php 中的 xml 文件并将其存储在数组中以供进一步评估

XML 文件是

> <IntervalReading>
>     <cost>907</cost>
>     <timePeriod>
>         <duration>900</duration>
>         <start>1330580700</start>
>          <!-- 3/1/2012 5:45:00 AM  -->
>     </timePeriod>
>     <value>302</value> </IntervalReading> <IntervalReading>
>     <cost>907</cost>
>     <timePeriod>
>         <duration>900</duration>
>         <start>1330581600</start>
>          <!-- 3/1/2012 6:00:00 AM  -->
>     </timePeriod>
>     <value>302</value> </IntervalReading> <IntervalReading>
>     <cost>907</cost>
>     <timePeriod>
>         <duration>900</duration>
>         <start>1330582500</start>
>          <!-- 3/1/2012 6:15:00 AM  -->
>     </timePeriod>
>     <value>302</value> </IntervalReading>

用于读取此数据的 PHP 代码是

$doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load( "tmp/".$filename ); $employees = array(); $value = array(); $cost =         array(); $start =     array();    $duration = array(); $doc->formatOutput = true; $employees = $doc->getElementsByTagName( "IntervalReading" );    foreach( $employees as $employee )  {
    $names = $employee->getElementsByTagName( "value" ); 
    $val =  $value[] = $names->item(0)->nodeValue;
    $costs = $employee->getElementsByTagName( "cost" ); 
    $cost[] =  $costs->item(0)->nodeValue;  
    $startnames = $employee->getElementsByTagName( "start" ); 
    $start[] = $startnames  ->item(0)->nodeValue;
    $durations  = $employee->getElementsByTagName( "duration" );
    $duration[] = $durations->item(0)->nodeValue;  } }


我通常使用php SimpleXML来实现这个目的:


它可以从字符串中读取 xml 结构并返回漂亮的对象。