如何将数据从模态中的表单获取到 mysql

How to get data from form in a modal into mysql


我有这个 2/3 工作。单击将创建加载到窗体的模式。添加到表单的数据将写入数据库。模式在提交后关闭。问题出在过程的最后。当用户提交时,模式将关闭,并向用户显示"表单"页面,而不是"主机"页面。此外,表单似乎将表单 datab 插入数据库两次。




<h2>Test Section</h2>
    <p> This <a id="target" href="http://localhost/dialogExperiments/TESTsingleformfeedback.php" title="Test Form">LINK</a> opens the feedback form.</p>

页 (表单.php)

<!-- Begin forms section --><div>
<h1> Form</h1>
<!-- First section is php script to process this particular form-->
$browser = get_browser(null, true);//get array of viewing browser information. Used in POST below.
//Address error handling
ini_set ('display_errors', 1);
error_reporting (E_ALL & ~ E_NOTICE);
if (isset ($_POST['submit'])) {//Handle the form
    if ($dbc = @mysql_connect ('localhost','root','root')) {
        if (!@mysql_select_db ('feedback1')) {
        die ('<p>Could not select the database because <b>' . mysql_error() . '</b></p>');
    die('<p>Could not connect to MySQL because <b>' . mysql_error() . '</b></p>');
//Define the query. Note in this query we use the table "errors"
$query0 = "INSERT INTO errors (ID, words_omitted, jumbled_text, other, description, url, date_recorded, user, browser, operating_system) 
VALUES (0, '{$_POST['words_omitted']}', '{$_POST['jumbled_text']}', '{$_POST['other']}', '{$_POST['description']}','{$_POST['url']}',NOW(),'{$_POST['user']}','{$_POST['browser']}','{$_POST['operating_system']}')";
//Execute the query
if (@mysql_query ($query0)) {
    print '<p>The First form feedback has been recorded.</p>';
    print "<p>Could not add entry because <b>" . mysql_error() . "</b> The query was $query0.</p>";
<!-- End process script and next display form-->  
<!-- Begin Form 1 Errors--><div id="hideCategory1" class="formFrame">  
<h2>Errors in the text</h2>
        <p>Please check all that apply and add any description you can.</p>
            <form action="TESTsingleformfeedback.php" method="post" name="errorInText">
              <p><input name="words_omitted" type="checkbox" value="Words Missing"  />Words Missing</p>
              <p><input name="jumbled_text" type="checkbox"  value="Jumbled Words" />Jumbled Text</p>
              <p><input name="other" type="checkbox"   value="Other" />Other - Please add details in the "Description" Box.</p>
              <p>Please add as much descripton as you can about the problem you noticed</p>
              <textarea name="description" cols="40" rows="5"></textarea>
              <p>Page Address:<input name="url" type="text" value="" id="targetURL" /></p>
              <p>Date Recorded</p>
              <p>User<input name="user" type="text" size="40" maxlength="100"  />   </p>
              <p>Browser<input name="browser" type="hidden"  value="<?php echo $browser['browser'] ?>"  /></p>
              <p>Operating System<input name="operating_system" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $browser['platform'] ?>"/></p>
              <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add To Records" />

Javascript/jQuery 脚本是

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#target').each(function() {
        var $link = $(this);
        var $dialog = $('<div></div>')
                autoOpen: false,
                title: $link.attr('title'),
                width: 600,
                height: 500
        $link.click(function() {

            return false;




  1. $('#target').each(function() {不应该有 each 函数,因为 ID 应该始终是唯一的,因此不应该超过一个 id="target"。
  2. 你得到两次的原因是因为你的MySQL没有得到正确的验证,你需要 if(isset($_POST)){ /* mysql thingy goes here */ }这就是为什么你把它发布两次
  3. 请用mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['随便']);

  4. 祝你好运,你应该修改更多的:)


if (isset ($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit']=='Add To Records') {
    // check if the form was submitted
    //do db thing here
   $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password');
   if (!$link) {
      die('Not connected : ' . mysql_error());
   // make foo the current db
   $db_selected = mysql_select_db('foo', $link);
   if (!$db_selected) {
      die ('Can''t use foo : ' . mysql_error());
    //insert into db here using mysql_query();
    //if there was no mysql_error(); then show the successfully message else error message
    // please also check mysql_real_escape_string() on php.net its important so people don't hack ur 
    //db, n potentially the whole website itset.



您可以使用 $("#my_form_id").serialize() 来获取 $.ajax 调用的表单数据。

查看 http://api.jquery.com/serialize/