WordPress - 显示所有帖子+带有特定标签的帖子

Wordpress - show all posts + ones with specific tag

我有 3 种类型的帖子如下

  1. 没有任何标签的普通帖子
  2. 带"精选"标签
  3. 带有"已售出"标签

在页面上,我只想显示普通帖子 + 带有精选标签的帖子,而不想显示带有"已售出"标签的帖子。如何对此进行查询?


您可以将 get_posts 函数与 tax_query 参数一起使用。



你最好使用 WP_Query ,做这样的事情:

// you'll need the term_id of the tags you would like to exclude
$sold_tag = get_term_by('name','sold','post_tag');
$featured_tag = get_term_by('name','featured','post_tag');

// create a query object, this will pick all posts except the ones tagged with 'sold'
// if you wanted to pick all post marked as sold or featured and everyone not marked
// as for instance 'fruit' + all that isn't tagged at all you could use a combination of
// tag__not_in => array($fruit->term_id) && tag => array('featured,sold')
$query = new WP_Query( 
   array('post_type' => 'post', 
         'tag__not_in' => array(
// start the loop
while($query->have_posts()): $query->the_post();
    // output post here ...

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