比较从数据库和代码 Yii 中获取的值

Compare values taken from database and code Yii


基本上,我正在做一个奖励系统,达到一定数量积分的用户将获得一个徽章。 现在,我正在做的是,代码将计算用户拥有的积分并将其发送到具有 if else 的函数,以比较积分和每个徽章的值。


//check total points that the user has
public function totalPointsValue($userId) {
    $value = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
        ->select('sum(totalPoints) as pointsSum')
        ->where('userId =:id', array(':id'=>$userId))
    $totalPoints = $value['pointsSum'];
    return $totalPoints;
//checks whether the user points is enough for a badge
public function checkEligable($userId){
    $points = $this->totalPointsValue($userId);
    //is not eligable for a badge
    if ($points <100){
        error_log(" $userId has less than 100 points. Number of points is $points ");
    //eligable for the over 100 points badge
    elseif ($points > 100 && $points <1000){
        error_log(" $userId is eligable for over-100 badge. Number of points is $points ");

    //eligable for the over 1000 points badge
    elseif ($points > 1000 && $points <2000){
        error_log(" $userId is eligable for over-1000 badge. Number of points is $points ");

    //eligable for the over 2000 points badge
    else {
        error_log(" $userId is eligable for over-2000 badge. Number of points is $points ");

    error_log(print_r($points, true), 3, 'debug.log');



id         badgeName        requiredPoints
1          over100            100
2          over500            500
3          over1000           1000 
4          over2000           2000 

因此,假设用户有 600 分,它将检查用户有权获得哪个徽章。 如果$points>需要积分,它将授予用户徽章。



function getBadgesOfUser($points){
        $achive_badges = "";
        $badges = CHtml::listData(Badge::model()->findAll(array(
            'order'=>'requiredPoints', // ASC
            'params'=>array('rqp'=>$points))), 'badgeName', 'requiredPoints');
          //php 5.4
            $achive_badges = array_keys($badges)[0]; // I don't use array_shift in this line because it would cause the warning raising in some cases.
           //following for PHP 5.3
           $temp = array_keys($badges); $achive_badges = $temp[0];
        return $achive_badges;
