在 CodeIgniter 2.0 中从数据库中返回和使用多维记录数组

Returning and using multidimensional array of records from database in CodeIgniter 2.0



表结构:文章表:文章ID,文章内容,日期标签表:标签ID,标签名称articleTagRelation : aricleID,tagID {两者的组合是我的主键}
置信区间模型:article_model.php    public function getAllTags($postId){        $this->db->select('articleTagRelation.tagId as tagId, articleTagRelation.postId as postId, article.tagName as tagName,');        $this->db->from('articleTagRelation');        $this->db->join('Tags','Tags.tagId = articleTagRelation.tagId');        $this->db->where('ArticleTagRelation.articleId',$postId);        $qTag = $this->db->get();        if($qTag->num_rows()> 0){            foreach ($qTag->result() as $tag) {                返回$tag;            }        }    }    公共函数 getAllArticles(){        $this->db->select('*');        $this->db->from('Article');        $this->db->order_by('date','desc');        $query=$this->db->get();        if($query->num_rows()>0){            foreach ($query->result() as $row) {                $data['行'] = $row;                $data['articletags'] = $this->getAllTags($row->articleId);我正在尝试获取所有关联标签的数组。                                $post=array($data['row'],$data['articletags']);            }              }else{            回应"什么也没找到!        }        返回$post;    }
我的控制器文件》.php我在索引函数中调用此函数    $data['rows'] = $this->blog_model->getAllArticles();然后通过传递数据数组加载视图
现在事情变得混乱的部分在我看来  echo $r->articleId//工作正常 echo $r->articletags->tagId//给我一个错误消息任何人都可以帮助我打印这些标签ID

您根本不需要 foreach 来获取标签信息,它来自query_result。


if($qTag->num_rows() > 0){
    return $qTag->result();
else {
    return array();  //return empty array if no tags


public function getAllArticles(){
    // removed uneccessary select and from
    // the below accomplishes the same thing
    $query = $this->db->get('Article');
    if ( $query->num_rows() > 0 ) {
        // store the result in a variable you will end up returning
        $articles = $query->result();
        // make sure you foreach by reference so that changes you make
        // to the interated $article will be made to the actual article
        // result
        foreach ($articles as &$article) {
            // create a new property of your article "tags" and save an
            // array of tags in it
            $article->tags = $this->getAllTags( $article->articleId );
    } else {
        echo 'nothing found !';
    return $articles;


if($qTag->num_rows() > 0){
    foreach ($qTag->result() as $tag) {
          $tags[] = $tag; //this create the array with the result
    return $tags;
