如何在不替换 URL 和图像标签中找到的关键字的情况下替换字符串中出现的所有$keyword

How can I replace all the occurrences of the $keyword within the string without replacing the keywords found within URLs and image tags?

如何在不替换超链接 URL、图像标签 URL、图像标签标题和 alt 标签中找到的关键字的情况下替换字符串中出现的所有$keyword


$keywords = 'sports';
$string = '<a href="http://my_domain_name.com/sports/info.php"><img class="icon" src="http://my_domain_name.com/sports/images/football.gif" title="Get the latest football sports news" alt="Get the latest football sports news" />Football sports news</a>';

请注意,关键字"sports"与超链接 URL、图像标记 URL 以及图像标记标题和 alt 标记一起显示。


<span style="color: #000000; background-color: #FFFF00; font-weight: normal;">sports</span>


<a href="http://my_domain_name.com/sports/info.php"><img class="icon" src="http://my_domain_name.com/sports/images/football.gif" title="Get the latest football sports news" alt="Get the latest football sports news" />Football <span style="color: #000000; background-color: #FFFF00; font-weight: normal;">sports</span> news</a>


编辑 - 附加信息

目前我使用以下 2 步方法,它仅适用于 URL而不适用于标题和 alt 标签。我也不需要替换标题和 alt 标签中的关键字。

// Replaces both the website and general images path urls with character strings (used to prevent highlighting keywords found within the path urls)
   if(strpos('http://my_domain_name.com/sports', $keywords) != false) {
     $description = str_ireplace('http://my_domain_name.com/sports', '1q2w3e4r5t6y7u', $description);
   if(strpos('http://my_domain_name.com/sports/images', $keywords) != false) {
     $description = str_ireplace('http://my_domain_name.com/sports/images', '7u6y5t4r3e2w1q', $description);
// Highlights the Search Keywords
   $description = str_ireplace($keywords, '<span style="color: #000000; background-color: #FFFF00; font-weight: normal;">'.$keywords.'</span>', $description);
// Replaces the character strings with the website and general images path urls
   if(strpos('http://my_domain_name.com/sports', $keywords) != false) {
     $description = str_ireplace('1q2w3e4r5t6y7u', 'http://my_domain_name.com/sports', $description);
   if(strpos('http://my_domain_name.com/sports/images', $keywords) != false) {
     $description = str_ireplace('7u6y5t4r3e2w1q', 'http://my_domain_name.com/sports/images', $description);

使用 PHP 的 DOMDocument 所能做的最好的事情。

$str = '<a href="http://my_domain_name.com/sports/info.php"><img class="icon" src="http://my_domain_name.com/sports/images/football.gif" title="Get the latest football sports news" alt="Get the latest football sports news" />Football sports news</a>';
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$fragment = $doc->createDocumentFragment();
$fragment->appendXML( $str);
$doc->appendChild( $fragment);
// Create the <span>
$node = $doc->createElement( 'span');
$node->setAttribute( 'style', 'color: #000000; background-color: #FFFF00; font-weight: normal;');
$node->nodeValue = 'sports';
foreach( $doc->getElementsByTagName( 'a') as $tag)
    $img_tag = $tag->firstChild->cloneNode();
    $text = $doc->createTextNode( $tag->textContent);
    $tag->nodeValue = ''; // Clear out the contents of the <a>
    // Get the text before and after the replacement
    $start = strpos( $text->wholeText, 'sports');
    $before = $text->substringData( 0, $start);
    $after = $text->substringData( $start + strlen( 'sports'), strlen( $text->wholeText));
    // Put the image tag back, along with the before text, the <span>, and the after text
    $tag->appendChild( $img_tag);
    $tag->appendChild( $doc->createTextNode( $before));
    $tag->appendChild( $node);
    $tag->appendChild( $doc->createTextNode( $after));
echo htmlentities( $doc->saveHTML()) . "'n";


<a href="http://my_domain_name.com/sports/info.php">
    <img class="icon" src="http://my_domain_name.com/sports/images/football.gif" title="Get the latest football sports news" alt="Get the latest football sports news">Football <span style="color: #000000; background-color: #FFFF00; font-weight: normal;">sports</span> news


(你需要 PHP> 5.3)



function replacer($match)
    global $replace_match_with_this, $string_to_replace;
    return str_ireplace($string_to_replace, $replace_match_with_this, $match[0]);
$new_string = preg_replace_callback(sprintf('/>[^<>]*['s-]+%s['s-]+[^<>]*<'/a>/i', $keyword), 'replacer', $string, 1);

据推测,$keyword 和 $string_to_replace 保持相同的值,并且可以组合成一个变量。

xml_parse可用于去除HTML代码中的标记。http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_xml_parse.asp 是一个很好的教程,介绍如何使用它。

我会从我的字符串中删除所有 html 标签,然后使用:
str_replace($keyword, $replace_string, $string);



$replace_string = "<span fancy colours>{$keywords}</span>";
$string = '<a href="http://my_domain_name.com/sports/info.php"><img class="icon"     src="http://my_domain_name.com/sports/images/football.gif" title="Get the latest football     sports news" alt="Get the latest football sports news" />Football sports news</a>';
$exploded = explode("<", $string);
$tmp_array = array();
foreach ($exploded as $abit) {
    $pos = (strpos($abit, ">") + 1);            //get end of tag
    $tmp_string = substr($abit, $pos);
    if (strlen($tmp_string) > 1) {  // has text outside of tags
        $tmp_string = str_ireplace($keywords, $replace_string, $tmp_string);
        $tmp_array[] = substr($abit,0,$pos) . $tmp_string;
    } else {
        $tmp_array[] = $abit;
$newstring = implode("<", $tmp_array);
echo $newstring;
