在 PHP MySQL 中选择 where 如果 where 等于数组索引

selecting where in php mysql if where is equals to array index

嘿伙计们,我试图在 php 中查询某些内容,但 WHERE 是数组中的索引,这就是我所做的

                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
                                    $item = array(

                    $get_subjects = "SELECT subject_name
                                        FROM subjects  
                                        WHERE level = '".$row['section_level']."' ";

                        $result_get_subjects =mysql_query($get_subjects)or die(mysql_error());
                        $subjects_count = mysql_num_rows($result_get_subjects);

                    $check_archive_subjects = " SELECT b.subject_name 
                                                FROM registrar_grade_archive a
                                                LEFT JOIN subjects b ON(a.subject_id=b.subject_id)
                                                LEFT JOIN section c ON(a.section_id = c.section_id)                                                 
                                                WHERE a.advisor_faculty_id ='".$row['faculty_id']."'
                                                WHERE a.section_id ='".$row['section_id']."'
                                                GROUP BY b.subject_name ASC
                                                 " ;
                     $query_checking =mysql_query($check_archive_subjects)or die(mysql_error());
                    $subjects_count_sent = mysql_num_rows($query_checking);

但不幸的是,我在 $check_archive_subjects 中出现错误,上面写着:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE a.section_id ='24'

有没有其他方法可以将数组索引放在 MySQL 中的 where 子句中。我知道 mysql 已被弃用,并且在我完成这个项目后切换到 mysqli,所以请原谅我。提前致谢


另外,请阅读有关MySQL扩展的内容 - https://stackoverflow.com/a/12860046/283366


SELECT b.subject_name
FROM registrar_grade_archive a
LEFT JOIN subjects b ON(a.subject_id=b.subject_id)
LEFT JOIN section c ON(a.section_id = c.section_id)
WHERE a.advisor_faculty_id ='".$row['faculty_id']."' AND a.section_id ='".$row['section_id']."'
GROUP BY b.subject_name ASC

