PHP 嵌套在多维数组上

PHP Nested foreach on multi dimensional array


$options = array(
    'type' => array('Old', 'Latest', 'GOLD 1.0', 'GOLD 1.1', 'GOLD 1.2', 'GOLD 1.3'),
    'purity' => array('GOLD', 'SILVER', 'BRONZE'),
    'model' => array('Rough', 'Neat', 'mixed', 'Random'),


Old   GOLD  Rough
Old   GOLD  Neat
Old   GOLD  mixed
Old   GOLD  Random
Old   SILVER  Rough
Old   SILVER  Neat
Old   SILVER  mixed
Old   SILVER  Random
Old   BRONZE  Rough
Old   BRONZE  Neat
Old   BRONZE  mixed
Old   BRONZE  Random
Then this whole scenario goes for 'Latest', 'GOLD 1.0', 'GOLD 1.1',
'GOLD 1.2' and 'GOLD 1.3'(each element of first array)
This way it will generate total 72 combinations (6 * 3 * 4)



$type = array('Old', 'Latest', 'GOLD 1.0', 'GOLD 1.1', 'GOLD 1.2', 'GOLD 1.3');
$purity = array('GOLD', 'SILVER', 'BRONZE');
$model = array('Rough', 'Neat', 'mixed', 'Random');
foreach( $type as $base ){
                foreach( $purity as $pure ){
                    foreach( $model as $mdl ){
             echo $base.' '.$pure.' '.$mdl.'<br />';

但我不知道我应该使用多少个 foreach 循环,因为"选项"可能会减少或增加。所以我必须动态地遍历数组。任何帮助将不胜感激谢谢

$options = array(
    'type' => array('Old', 'Latest', 'GOLD 1.0', 'GOLD 1.1', 'GOLD 1.2', 'GOLD 1.3'),
    'purity' => array('GOLD', 'SILVER', 'BRONZE'),
    'model' => array('Rough', 'Neat', 'mixed', 'Random'),
// Create an array to store the permutations.
$results = array();
foreach ($options as $values) {
    // Loop over the available sets of options.
    if (count($results) == 0) {
        // If this is the first set, the values form our initial results.
        $results = $values;
    } else {
        // Otherwise append each of the values onto each of our existing results.
        $new_results = array();
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            foreach ($values as $value) {
                $new_results[] = "$result $value";
        $results = $new_results;
// Now output the results.
foreach ($results as $result) {
    echo "$result<br />";