
PhpUnit not showing a stack trace for a php fatal error

PhpUnit 当前未显示代码中发生的 PHP 错误的堆栈跟踪。


PHPUnit 使用错误处理程序函数来捕获和显示错误,但从 PHP 错误处理程序手册中,

以下错误类型不能 使用用户定义的函数处理: E_ERROR、E_PARSE、E_CORE_ERROR、 E_CORE_WARNING、E_COMPILE_ERROR、 E_COMPILE_WARNING,以及大部分 E_STRICT在文件中引发的 调用 set_error_handler()。

如果您在单独的进程中运行测试,PHPUnit 将从解释器获得错误和消息,但没有可用的堆栈跟踪。这只是 PHP 解释器的一个限制。致命意味着致命。

这是一种蹩脚但有效的方法,我发现当 php 不提供堆栈转储时,它会获得堆栈转储。我在一个名为DebugUtil的分类中拥有它。

         * This is for use when you have the UBER-LAME...
         * "PHP Fatal error:  Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached,
         * aborting!  in Lame.php(1273)
         * ...which just craps out leaving you without a stack trace.
         * At the line in the file where it finally spazzes out add
         * something like...
         * DebugUtil::dumpStack('/tmp/lame');
         * It will write the stack into that file every time it passes that
         * point and when it eventually blows up (and probably long before) you
         * will be able to see where the problem really is.
        public static function dumpStack($fileName)
            $stack = "";
            foreach (debug_backtrace() as $trace)
                if (isset($trace['file'])  &&
                    isset($trace['line'])  &&
                    isset($trace['class']) &&
                    $stack .= $trace['file']     . '#' .
                              $trace['line']     . ':' .
                              $trace['class']    . '.' .
                              $trace['function'] . "'n";
            file_put_contents($fileName, $stack);