
While loop looping through data twice

所以我有这个代码,我已经为此烦恼了几个小时,我和我的朋友找不到解决方案。它根据从数据库中提取的降序 ID 显示评论。这是一种无休止的滚动类型的脚本,用于消除分页。出于某种原因,当我点击页面底部并运行脚本时,while 循环会遍历数据两次。因此,如果它应该显示评论ID 5 - 10,则显示10,9,8,7,6,5,10,9,8,7,6,5;而不是 10、9、8、7、6、5。这将是一段非常大的代码,但我希望你能帮助我解决我的问题。提前感谢!!


if($_GET['lastPost']) {
$mysqlQuery = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `reviews` WHERE `review_id` < "' . $_GET['lastPost'] . '" ORDER BY `review_id` DESC LIMIT 0, 10');
while ($review_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($mysqlQuery)) {
    $review_title = $review_row['review_title'];
    $user_id = $review_row['user_id'];
    $user_firstname = $review_row['user_firstname'];
    $user_lastname = $review_row['user_lastname'];
    $review_id = $review_row['review_id'];
    $review_body = $review_row['review_body'];
    $review_referral = $review_row['review_referral'];
        // Code to append text for title
        // strip tags to avoid breaking any html
        $review_title = strip_tags($review_title);
        if (strlen($review_title) > 30) {
            // truncate string
            $stringCut = substr($review_title, 0, 30);
            // make sure it ends in a word so assassinate doesn't become ass...
            $review_title = substr($stringCut, 0, strrpos($stringCut, ' ')).'...'; 
        // Code to append text and add Read More
        // strip tags to avoid breaking any html
        $review_body = strip_tags($review_body);
        if (strlen($review_body) > 230) {
            // truncate string
            $stringCut = substr($review_body, 0, 230);
            // make sure it ends in a word so assassinate doesn't become ass...
            $review_body = substr($stringCut, 0, strrpos($stringCut, ' ')).'... <a class="reviewContentLink" href="../../pages/home_page/post_content.php?id='. $review_id .'">See Full Post</a>'; 
        } else {
            $review_body .= '<a class="reviewContentLink" href="../../pages/home_page/post_content.php?id='. $review_id .'">See Full Post</a>';
    $review_date = $review_row['review_date'];
        $review_date = date_create($review_date);
        $review_date = date_format($review_date, 'g:ia 'o'n F jS', Y');
    $user_firstname = $review_row['user_firstname'];
    $review_rating = $review_row['rating'];

    ///////  Mechanism to Display Pic. See if they have uploaded a pic or not  //////////////////////////
    $check_pic = "../members/$user_id/thumb_image01.jpg";
    $default_pic = "../members/0/image01.jpg";
        if (file_exists($check_pic)) {
            $review_pic = "<img src='"../$check_pic'" width='"80px'" />"; 
        } else {
            $review_pic = "<img src='"../$default_pic'" width='"80px'" />"; 


    //Pull the Review Category from the row
    $review_category = "";
    $review_category = $review_row['review_category'];

    //Pull the Referral Category from the row
    $referral_category = $review_row['referral_category'];

    //Code for URL for Each Review
    $review_url = $review_row['review_url'];
    if (!function_exists('remove_http')) {
        function remove_http($url = '') {
            return(str_replace(array('http://','https://'), '', $url));
        //Final Output List
        if($review_referral == 0) {
                //Code for Displaying URL Link
                $review_url = remove_http($review_url);
                $review_url = "<a target='_BLANK' href='http://". $review_url ."'>Buy It Here!</a> ";
                    echo ''. $review_id .' '. $review_referral .'
                    <div class="display_newsfeed" id="'.$review_id.'">
                        <table id="'.$review_id.'" style="width:98.5%; border:#00B347 1px solid; margin:10px 0px 20px 10px;">
                        <td style="float:left; width:15%; border-right:1px solid #DDDDDD; margin:5px 0px 5px 0px;">
                                            <div class="review_user_name"><a href="../../pages/profile_page/profile_page.php?id='. $user_id .'">'. $user_firstname.' '. $user_lastname .'</a></div>
                                            <div class="review_prof_pic"><a href="../../pages/profile_page/profile_page.php?id='. $user_id .'">'. $review_pic .'</a></div>
                                            <div class="bought_it_newsfeed">Bought It!</div>
                                <td style="float:right; width:82%;">
                                        <div class="review_title_p">
                                            <p><span class="review_title">'. $review_title .'</span><span class="review_date_p">'. $review_date .'</span><span class="review_stars">'. $review_stars .'</span></p>
                                        <div class="review_read_more">
                                            <p class="review_body_p">'. $review_body .'</p><br />
                                                <div style="float:left;" class="review_black_font_link">Website:'.$review_url.'</div>
                                                <div style="float:right; margin-right:20px;" class="review_black_font_link">Category: '.$review_category_post .'</div>
                        <hr style="margin:0px 20px 0px 20px;" />    
              } else if($review_referral == 1) {    
                //Code for Displaying URL Link
                $review_url = remove_http($review_url);
                $review_url = "<a target='_BLANK' href='http://". $review_url ."'>Click Here</a> ";
                echo '
                        <div class="display_newsfeed" id="'.$review_id.'">
                        <table id="'.$review_id.'" style="width:98.5%; border:#0099FF 1px solid; margin:10px 0px 20px 10px;">
                        <td style="float:left; width:15%; border-right:1px solid #DDDDDD; margin:5px 0px 5px 0px;">
                                            <div class="review_user_name"><a href="../../pages/profile_page/profile_page.php?id='. $user_id .'">'. $user_firstname.' '. $user_lastname .'</a></div>
                                            <div class="review_prof_pic"><a href="../../pages/profile_page/profile_page.php?id='. $user_id .'">'. $review_pic .'</a></div>
                                            <div class="referral_newsfeed">Referral</div>
                                <td style="float:right; width:82%;">
                                        <div class="review_title_p">
                                            <p><a href="../../pages/home_page/post_content.php?id='. $review_id .'">'. $review_title .'</a><span class="review_date_p">'. $review_date .'</span><span class="review_stars">'. $review_stars .'</span></p>
                                        <div class="review_read_more">
                                            <p class="review_body_p">'. $review_body .'</p><br />
                                                <div style="float:left;" class="review_black_font_link">Business Website:'. $review_url .'</div>
                                                <div style="float:right; margin-right:20px;" class="review_black_font_link">Category: '. $referral_category_post .'</div>
                        <hr style="margin:0px 20px 0px 20px;" />    
} else {
 echo "didn't work";

您是否还确定数据库中没有损坏? 你可以试试

while ($review_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($mysqlQuery)) {
 echo $review_row['review_title'] . "<br />";

你能发布调用/发布到这个脚本的代码吗? 正如其他人所说,这段代码很可能被调用了两次。


FROM `reviews` 
WHERE `review_id` < (insert the id here) 
ORDER BY `review_id` DESC 
LIMIT 0, 10