解析 PHP 中的 XML 错误

Parse XML in PHP error


foreach ( $xml->station as $item )


<station id="1" name="Raumschiff1" strasse="Musterstrasse 1" plz="11011" ort="Berlin" lat="50.77548" lng="6.08147" operator="NEO" telefon="0800 MATRIX" zugang="ZION"/>
<station id="2" name="Raumschiff1" strasse="Musterstrasse 1" plz="11011" ort="Berlin" lat="50.77548" lng="6.08147" operator="NEO" telefon="0800 MATRIX" zugang="ZION"/>

提前非常感谢! :-)

  • 已添加simplexml_load_string()
  • 如果需要加载文件$xml = simplexml_load_file('test.xml');
  • 添加了缺少 XML 文档类型行。


$xml_string = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <station id="1" name="Raumschiff1" strasse="Musterstrasse 1" plz="11011" ort="Berlin" lat="50.77548" lng="6.08147" operator="NEO" telefon="0800 MATRIX" zugang="ZION" />
  <station id="2" name="Raumschiff2" strasse="Musterstrasse 1" plz="11011" ort="Berlin" lat="50.77548" lng="6.08147" operator="NEO" telefon="0800 MATRIX" zugang="ZION" />
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string);    
// iterate over the SimpleXMLElement Object    
foreach($xml->station as $station) {
    // you need to take the attributes into account
    foreach ($station->attributes() as $attributeName => $attributeValue) {
        printf("'n%s => %s", $attributeName, $attributeValue);
    echo "<hr>";



  • 如何循环访问作为 SimpleXMLElement 对象的 XML 值
  • 循环遍历 SimpleXML 对象,或将整个对象转换为数组