
Convert the FULL Excel date serial format to Unix timestamp



我有一个要导入的 Excel 文件。 PHP正在使用中。




UNIX_DATE = (EXCEL_DATE - 25569) * 86400


EXCEL_DATE = 25569 + (UNIX_DATE / 86400)

将此公式放入变量后,您可以使用以下示例在 PHP 中获取实际日期:

$UNIX_DATE = ($EXCEL_DATE - 25569) * 86400;
echo gmdate("d-m-Y H:i:s", $UNIX_DATE);


这个单行对我有用,当然是使用 PHPExcel。

$date_formated = date('Y-m-d', PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHP($date_int_val));


直接取自 PHPExcel 日期处理代码:

public static function ExcelToPHP($dateValue = 0) {
    if (self::$ExcelBaseDate == self::CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900) {
        $myExcelBaseDate = 25569;
        //    Adjust for the spurious 29-Feb-1900 (Day 60)
        if ($dateValue < 60) {
    } else {
        $myExcelBaseDate = 24107;
    // Perform conversion
    if ($dateValue >= 1) {
        $utcDays = $dateValue - $myExcelBaseDate;
        $returnValue = round($utcDays * 86400);
        if (($returnValue <= PHP_INT_MAX) && ($returnValue >= -PHP_INT_MAX)) {
            $returnValue = (integer) $returnValue;
    } else {
        $hours = round($dateValue * 24);
        $mins = round($dateValue * 1440) - round($hours * 60);
        $secs = round($dateValue * 86400) - round($hours * 3600) - round($mins * 60);
        $returnValue = (integer) gmmktime($hours, $mins, $secs);
    // Return
    return $returnValue;
}    //    function ExcelToPHP()
根据需要设置 self::

$ExcelBaseDate == self::CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900 以指示您正在使用的 Excel 基准日历:Windows 1900 或 Mac 1904

如果你想要一个 PHP DateTime 对象:

public static function ExcelToPHPObject($dateValue = 0) {
    $dateTime = self::ExcelToPHP($dateValue);
    $days = floor($dateTime / 86400);
    $time = round((($dateTime / 86400) - $days) * 86400);
    $hours = round($time / 3600);
    $minutes = round($time / 60) - ($hours * 60);
    $seconds = round($time) - ($hours * 3600) - ($minutes * 60);
    $dateObj = date_create('1-Jan-1970+'.$days.' days');
    return $dateObj;
}    //    function ExcelToPHPObject()

我在项目中遇到了同样的问题,我正在寻找一个PHP Class to Read Excel as PHP Array.我很幸运,我找到了'SimpleXLSX' Class.它可以很好地处理Excel数据,但是..但。。。哦!!但.... :(我意识到Date Reading From Excel领域存在一些问题。在excel值中看起来很好,但是当我们尝试导入它们,日期值变得不同。有时我们得到正确的值,有时只是一个数字,有时是一个浮点值。我们正在寻找解决方案'




@Source:在 PHP 中读取 XLS 日期

根据 excel 格式 41397 是 2013-05-03 Excel 存储日期和 times 作为数字表示自 1900-1 月 0 日以来的天数, 加上一天 24 小时的一小部分:ddddd.tttttt。这是 称为串行日期或串行日期时间。

@Source:使用 PHP Excel 进行 Excel 日期转换

将 Excel 日期转换为 Unix 日期

,然后将 Unix 日期转换为 PHP 日期

因此,我做了一个小的帮助类来读取用于PHP的Excel Date。我希望它能帮助某人,并减少护目镜和努力。

这是我Read Excel as PHP Array()Parse Excel Date as PHP Date的代码


  1. 从给定的示例代码下载SimpleXLSX.php
  2. 在 PHP array() 中转换 excel 数据(字段/值)
  3. 将 Excel 日期转换为 PHP
  4. 现在。。是的!!Excel 数据已准备好作为 PHP 数组移动到MySQL 表...


  ID      Consumer_Date  Delivery_Date   Date_of_Dispatch    Gift_Date_Created   Active_Date              Approved_Date
  536     -No-Data-      9-Nov-15        7-Nov-15            -No-Data-           10/31/2015 12:00:00 AM   4/11/2015 10:21
  537     -No-Data-      -No-Data-       7-Nov-15            -No-Data-           10/23/2015 12:00:00 AM   3/11/2015 16:24
      [0] => Array
              [ID] => 536
              [Consumer_Date] => -No-Data-
              [Delivery_Date] => 42317
              [Date_of_Dispatch] => 42315
              [Gift_Date_Created] => -No-Data-
              [Active_Date] => 10/31/2015 12:00:00 AM
              [Approved_Date] => 42105.431574074
      [1] => Array
              [ID] => 537
              [Consumer_Date] => -No-Data-
              [Delivery_Date] => -No-Data-
              [Date_of_Dispatch] => 42315
              [Gift_Date_Created] => -No-Data-
              [Active_Date] => 10/23/2015 12:00:00 AM
              [Approved_Date] => 42074.683958333
/* ----------------- */
/* Excel_Date_Parser.php */
/* ----------------- */

// Numbers of days between January 1, 1900 and 1970 (including 19 leap years)
define("MIN_DATES_DIFF", 25569);
// Numbers of second in a day:
define("SEC_IN_DAY", 86400);
/** Set default timezone (will throw a notice otherwise) */
 * Class Excel_Date_Parser
 * SetDateString($excel_date_value) : send excel date column value
 * GetDateString(): get your php date in Y-m-d format (MySQL)
class Excel_Date_Parser
   * Send Excel Date String Value Here
   * @param [type] $date_from_excel [description]
   * @return instance Excel_Date_Parser
  public function SetDateString($date_from_excel) {
    $this->date_from_excel = $date_from_excel;
    return $this;
   * Set Date Format Here, default is "Y-m-d"
   * @param string $set_format_date [description]
  public function SetDateFormat($set_format_date = "Y-m-d") {
    $this->set_format_date = $set_format_date;
   * Get what format is set
  public function GetDateFormat() {
    return $this->set_format_date;
   * Return PHP date according to Set Format from Excel Date
   * @return string php date
  public function GetDateString() {
    // if value is valid date string
    if (strtotime($this->date_from_excel)) {
       * Excel stores dates and times as a number representing the number of days since 1900-Jan-0,
       * plus a fractional portion of a 24 hour day: ddddd.tttttt.
       * This is called a serial date, or serial date-time.
       * @source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17808750/reading-xls-date-in-php
      if (is_float($this->date_from_excel)) {
        // date format 2015-25-12
        $this->date_from_excel = date($this->GetDateFormat() , (mktime(0, 0, -1, 1, $this->date_from_excel, 1900)));
      else {
        // date format 2015-12-25
        // return converted date string in php format date format 2015-12-25
        $this->date_from_excel = date($this->GetDateFormat() , strtotime($this->date_from_excel));
     * Excel stores dates and times as a number representing the number of days since 1900-Jan-0,
     * plus a fractional portion of a 24 hour day: ddddd.tttttt .
     * This is called a serial date, or serial date-time.
     * According to excel format 41397 is 2013-05-03
     * @source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17808750/reading-xls-date-in-php
    else if (is_integer($this->date_from_excel)) {
      $this->date_from_excel = gmdate($this->GetDateFormat() , (($this->date_from_excel - MIN_DATES_DIFF) * SEC_IN_DAY));
    // return real value
    else {
      $this->date_from_excel = $this->date_from_excel;
    // return date
    return $this->date_from_excel;

/* ----------------- */
/* Excel_Reader.php */
/* ----------------- */
/* Show errors */
/* display error */
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
* Using class SimpleXLSX 
* Big Thanks!!!! to Sergey Shuchkin, Who made Excel Reader Class
* This class can be used to parse and retrieve data from Excel XLS spreadsheet files.
* It can parse a given Excel XLS file by extracting its contents files and parsing the 
* contained XML spreadsheet file.
* The class provides functions to retrieve data for the spreadsheet worksheets, rows and cells.
* @link: http://www.phpclasses.org/package/6279-PHP-Parse-and-retrieve-data-from-Excel-XLS-files.html
* @author: Sergey Shuchkin
* @download: http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/download/zip/package/6279/name/simple-xlsx-2013-10-13.zip
require_once 'SimpleXLSX.php';

/* Adding my class Excel_Date_Parser */
require_once 'Excel_Date_Parser.php';

 * [toPhpDate description]
 * @param [type] $array [description]
function toPhpDate($array) {
  // create class object
  $ed = new Excel_Date_Parser();
  // parse array and set
  $array['Consumer_Date'] = $ed->SetDateString($array['Consumer_Date'])->GetDateString();
  $array['Delivery_Date'] = $ed->SetDateString($array['Delivery_Date'])->GetDateString();
  $array['Date_of_Dispatch'] = $ed->SetDateString($array['Date_of_Dispatch'])->GetDateString();
  $array['Gift_Date_Created'] = $ed->SetDateString($array['Gift_Date_Created'])->GetDateString();
  $array['Active_Date'] = $ed->SetDateString($array['Active_Date'])->GetDateString();
  $array['Approved_Date'] = $ed->SetDateString($array['Approved_Date'])->GetDateString();
  // return php array
  return $array;
// make xls object
$xlsx = new SimpleXLSX('Sony_RedemptionFormat 8-Dec-15.xlsx');
// get excel data as array
$Excel_Array_Data = $xlsx->rows();
// Get Column Name
$Excel_Column = $Excel_Array_Data[0];
// Remove Column Name From Array
// Rest Data is Excel Data without Column
$Excel_Data = $Excel_Array_Data;
// Combine array for inserting in database
foreach ($Excel_Array_Data as $key => $Excel_Data) {
  $insert_data[] = array_combine($Excel_Column, $Excel_Data);
// show array data
echo "<pre>", print_r($insert_data, true);
// update array excel date
$insert_data = array_map('toPhpDate', $insert_data);
// show array data after update date
echo "<pre>", print_r($insert_data, true);



!!! :)