PHP 表单到电子邮件 - 电子邮件仅包含来自已填写字段的数据

PHP form to Email - Email to contain data only from the filled out fields



if(isset($_POST['email'])) {

$email_to = "";
$email_subject = "Enquiry";
$thankyou_url = "";
  function died($error) {
    echo "We are very sorry, but there were error(s) found with the form you submitted. ";
    echo "These errors appear below.<br /><br />";
    echo $error."<br /><br />";
    echo "Please go back and fix these errors.<br /><br />";
// validation expected data exists
    if(!isset($_POST['name']) ||
    !isset($_POST['address']) ||
    !isset($_POST['address2']) ||
    !isset($_POST['address3']) ||
    !isset($_POST['postcode']) ||
    !isset($_POST['tel']) ||
    !isset($_POST['email']) ||
    !isset($_POST['design']) ||
    !isset($_POST['woodtype']) ||
    !isset($_POST['font']) ||
    !isset($_POST['woodtype2']) ||
    !isset($_POST['font2']) ||
    !isset($_POST['woodtype3']) ||
    !isset($_POST['font3']) ||
    !isset($_POST['woodtype4']) ||
    !isset($_POST['font4']) ||
    !isset($_POST['woodtype5']) ||
    !isset($_POST['font5']) ||
    !isset($_POST['woodtype6']) ||
    !isset($_POST['font6']) ||
    !isset($_POST['line1']) ||
    !isset($_POST['line2']) ||
    !isset($_POST['message'])) {
    died('We are sorry, but there appears to be a problem with the form you submitted.');       
$name = $_POST['name']; // required
$address = $_POST['address']; // not required
$address2 = $_POST['address2']; // not required
$address3 = $_POST['address3']; // not required
$postcode = $_POST['postcode']; // not required
$tel = $_POST['tel']; // not required
$email_from = $_POST['email']; // required
$design = $_POST['design']; // not required
$woodtype = $_POST['woodtype']; // not required
$font = $_POST['font']; // not required
$woodtype2 = $_POST['woodtype2']; // not required
$font2 = $_POST['font2']; // not required
$woodtype3 = $_POST['woodtype3']; // not required
$font3 = $_POST['font3']; // not required
$woodtype4 = $_POST['woodtype4']; // not required
$font4 = $_POST['font4']; // not required
$woodtype5 = $_POST['woodtype5']; // not required
$font5 = $_POST['font5']; // not required
$woodtype6 = $_POST['woodtype6']; // not required
$font6 = $_POST['font6']; // not required
$line1 = $_POST['line1']; // required
$line2 = $_POST['line2']; // not required
$message = $_POST['message']; // not required

$error_message = "";

$email_message = "New Order'n'n";
function clean_string($string) {
  $bad = array("content-type","bcc:","to:","cc:","href");
  return str_replace($bad,"",$string);
$email_message .= "Name: ".clean_string($name)."'n";
$email_message .= "Address: ".clean_string($address)."'n";                      
$email_message .= "Address2: ".clean_string($address2)."'n";
$email_message .= "Address3: ".clean_string($address3)."'n";
$email_message .= "Postcode: ".clean_string($postcode)."'n";
$email_message .= "Tel: ".clean_string($tel)."'n";                      
$email_message .= "Email: ".clean_string($email_from)."'n";
$email_message .= "Design: ".clean_string($design)."'n";
$email_message .= "Woodtype: ".clean_string($woodtype)."'n";
$email_message .= "Font: ".clean_string($font)."'n";
$email_message .= "Woodtype: ".clean_string($woodtype2)."'n";
$email_message .= "Font: ".clean_string($font2)."'n";
$email_message .= "Woodtype: ".clean_string($woodtype3)."'n";
$email_message .= "Font: ".clean_string($font3)."'n";
$email_message .= "Woodtype: ".clean_string($woodtype4)."'n";
$email_message .= "Font: ".clean_string($font4)."'n";
$email_message .= "Woodtype: ".clean_string($woodtype5)."'n";
$email_message .= "Font: ".clean_string($font5)."'n";
$email_message .= "Woodtype: ".clean_string($woodtype6)."'n";
$email_message .= "Font: ".clean_string($font6)."'n";
$email_message .= "Line1: ".clean_string($line1)."'n";
$email_message .= "Line2: ".clean_string($line2)."'n";
$email_message .= "Message: ".clean_string($message)."'n";

$headers = 'From: '.$email_from."'r'n".
'Reply-To: '.$email_from."'r'n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
@mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers);  

} else {
echo "There has been an error sending your comments. Please try later.";


 <script type="text/javascript">

        if ($(this).val() == "Design A" ) {
            $("#hide1").slideDown("fast"); //Slide Down Effect
        } else {
            $("#hide1").slideUp("fast");    //Slide Up Effect
        if ($(this).val() == "Design B" ) {
            $("#hide2").slideDown("fast"); //Slide Down Effect
        } else {
            $("#hide2").slideUp("fast");    //Slide Up Effect

        if ($(this).val() == "Design C" ) {
            $("#hide3").slideDown("fast"); //Slide Down Effect
        } else {
            $("#hide3").slideUp("fast");    //Slide Up Effect
        if ($(this).val() == "Design D" ) {
            $("#hide4").slideDown("fast"); //Slide Down Effect
        } else {
            $("#hide4").slideUp("fast");    //Slide Up Effect
        if ($(this).val() == "Design E" ) {
            $("#hide5").slideDown("fast"); //Slide Down Effect
        } else {
            $("#hide5").slideUp("fast");    //Slide Up Effect
        if ($(this).val() == "Design F" ) {
            $("#hide6").slideDown("fast"); //Slide Down Effect
        } else {
            $("#hide6").slideUp("fast");    //Slide Up Effect



<form class="contact_form" action="sendform.php" method="post" name="contact_form" onSubmit="alert('Thank you for your order, we will be in touch shortly. You will now be redirected to the homepage.');">
        <fieldset style="padding:10px; margin:0 auto; width:939px; padding:10px; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#FFF), to(#FFF)); border-radius:10px;">
          <legend style="background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#FFF), to(#DDD)); border-radius:5px; padding:5px; border:#6C6C6C 2px solid;">Customer Details</legend>
          <br />
          <br />
            <li> <span class="required_notification">* Denotes Required Field</span> </li>
              <label for="name">Name:</label>
              <input type="text" name="name"  placeholder="John Doe" required />
              <label for="address">Address: <br />
                (Required for delivery)</label>
              <input type="text" name="address" placeholder="The Willows" />
              <label for="address2"></label>
              <input type="text" name="address2"  placeholder="Romsey Road" />
              <label for="address3"></label>
              <input type="text" name="address3" placeholder="East Wellow" />
              <label for="postcode">Postcode:</label>
              <input type="text" name="postcode"  placeholder="SO51 6BG" />
              <label for="tel">Telephone:</label>
              <input type="tel" name="tel" required="required" placeholder="02380 123456" />
              <label for="email">Email:</label>
              <input type="email" name="email" placeholder=""/>
              <span class="form_hint">Proper format ""</span> </li>
          </ul><br /><br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <fieldset style="padding:5px; width:939px;
padding:10px; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#FFF), to(#EEE)); border-radius:10px;">
          <legend style="background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#FFF), to(#DDD)); border-radius:5px; padding:5px; border:#6C6C6C 2px solid;">Sign Details</legend>
          <li style="border:none;">
          <div class="input select">
        <label for="select1">Choose a Design</label>
        <select name="design" id="select1">
            <option value="default">Select Design</option>
            <option value="Design A">Design A</option>
            <option value="Design B">Design B</option>
            <option value="Design C">Design C</option>
            <option value="Design D">Design D</option>
            <option value="Design E">Design E</option>
            <option value="Design F">Design F</option>
    <li style="border:none; padding:0;">
    <div class="hide" id="hide1">
        <div class="input select">
            <label for="select1">Wood Type:</label>
            <select name="woodtype" id="select1">
                <option value="">Select Wood</option>
                <option value="Oak">Oak</option>
                <option value="Mahogany">Mahogany</option>
        <div class="input select">
            <label for="select1">Font:</label>
            <select name="font" id="select1">
                <option value="">Choose A Font</option>
                <option value="Century (Default)">Century (Default)</option>
                <option value="Roman">Roman</option>
                <option value="Helvetica">Helvetica</option>
                <option value="Old English">Old English</option>
    <li style="border:none; padding:0;">
    <div class="hide" id="hide2"> 
        <div class="input select">
            <label for="select2">Wood Type:</label>
            <select name="woodtype2" id="select2">
                <option value="">Select Wood</option>
                <option value="Oak">Oak</option>
                <option value="Mahogany">Mahogany</option>
        <div class="input select">
            <label for="select2">Font:</label>
            <select name="font2" id="select2">
                <option value="">Choose A Font</option>
                <option value="Roman (Default)">Roman (Default)</option>
                <option value="Century">Century</option>
                <option value="Helvetica">Helvetica</option>
                <option value="Old English">Old English</option>
        <li style="border:none; padding:0;">
    <div class="hide" id="hide3">
        <div class="input select">
            <label for="select3">Wood Type:</label>
            <select name="woodtype3" id="select3">
                <option value="default">Select Wood</option>
                <option value="Birch Only">Birch Only</option>
        <div class="input select">
            <label for="select3">Font:</label>
            <select name="font3" id="select3">
                <option value="default">Choose A Font</option>
                <option value="Old English (Default)">Old English (Default)</option>
                <option value="Century">Century</option>
                <option value="Roman">Roman</option>
                <option value="Helvetica">Helvetica</option>
       <li style="border:none; padding:0;">
      <div class="hide" id="hide4"> 
        <div class="input select">
            <label for="select4">Wood Type:</label>
            <select name="woodtype4" id="select4">
                <option value="default">Wood</option>
                <option value="Oak">Oak</option>
                <option value="Mahogany">Mahogany</option>
        <div class="input select">
            <label for="select4">Font:</label>
            <select name="font4" id="select4">
                <option value="default">Choose A Font</option>
                <option value="Helvetica (Default)">Helvetica (Default)</option>
                <option value="Century">Century</option>
                <option value="Roman">Roman</option>
                <option value="Old English">Old English</option>
       <li style="border:none; padding:0;">
      <div class="hide" id="hide5"> 
        <div class="input select">
            <label for="select5">Wood Type:</label>
            <select name="woodtype5" id="select5">
                <option value="default">Select Wood</option>
                <option value="Birch Only">Birch Only</option>
        <div class="input select">
            <label for="select5">Font:</label>
            <select name="font5" id="select5">
                <option value="default">Choose A Font</option>
                <option value="Times New Roman Numerals">Times New Roman Numerals</option>
       <li style="border:none; padding:0;">
      <div class="hide" id="hide6"> 
        <div class="input select">
            <label for="select6">Wood Type:</label>
            <select name="woodtype6" id="select6">
                <option value="default">Wood</option>
                <option value="Oak">Oak</option>
                <option value="Mahogany">Mahogany</option>
        <div class="input select">
            <label for="select6">Select Font:</label>
            <select name="font6" id="select6">
                <option value="default">Choose A Font</option>
                <option value="Times New Roman Numerals">Times New Roman Numerals</option>
              <label for="line1">Line 1:</label>
              <textarea name="line1" cols="40" rows="1" placeholder="The Willows" required ></textarea>
              <label for="line2">Line 2:</label>
              <textarea name="line2" cols="40" rows="1" ></textarea>
              <label for="message">Specific Requirements:</label>
              <textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="6" placeholder="All uppercase."></textarea>
              <button class="submit" type="submit" style="cursor: pointer; padding:5px;">Submit Order</button>



if(isset($address) && $address){
$email_message .= "Address: ".clean_string($address)."'n";


一个稍微高级的解决方案是创建一个可选的 post var 数组,并遍历该数组,检查每个值以编译您的电子邮件。

使用隐藏的表单字段来跟踪脏输入字段和干净的输入字段,并根据 PHP 中的输入字段进行验证。例如,如果名为"我的信息"的部分中包含一组字段,请检查名为"use_my_info"的隐藏字段的值,以查看是否应处理这些字段。它应该是对应用程序逻辑的简单补充,您只需要添加一些隐藏字段。
