
Error message not showing if the user enters incorrect information


 include ("connect.php");
if (isset($_POST["user_login"]) && (isset($_POST["user_pass"]))){
    // formatting field via reg replace to ensure email and password only conisists of letters and numbers preg_replace('#[^A-Za-z0-9]#i','', 
    $login_user = $_POST["user_login"];
    $login_password = $_POST["user_pass"];

    // password is encryted in DB (MD5) therefore user inputted password will not match encryted password in DB - we have to assign new var
    $decrypted_password = md5($login_password);
// Query which finds user (if valid) from DB - Achieving authentication via username and password       
$user_query = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '$login_user' AND password = '$decrypted_password' AND closed = 'no' LIMIT 1"); 
    $check_user = mysqli_num_rows($user_query); // checking to see if there is infact a user which those credentials in the DB
        if ($check_user==1){
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($user_query)){
                $id = $row['user_id'];
                $user_type = $row['account'];
            $_SESSION["user_login"] = $login_user;
            // check the user type and redirect according to it
            if($user_type == "Student"){
             $student_page = "profile_student.php";
             header( "Location:{$student_page}" );
           } elseif ($user_type == "Landlord"){
              $landlord_page = "landlord_profile.php";
              header( "Location:{$landlord_page}" );
           } elseif ($user_type == "Administrator"){
               $admin_page = "admin_profile.php";
               header( "Location:{$admin_page}" );
           }else {
               $refresh_page = "sign_up.php";
               header( "Location:{$refresh_page}" ); // refresh page
            echo "You have entered an incorrect email or password. Please try again.";


else {
           $refresh_page = "sign_up.php";
            $_SESSION['error'] = "your error message"
           header( "Location:{$refresh_page}" ); // refresh page


     echo $_SESSION["error"];

也许你应该稍微更正一下这个代码))使用unset cause'在显示消息后,它应该从会话中删除,在其他情况下,如果失败5次,它将显示5条消息))也要确保会话已启动session_start()希望它有帮助:)


在您的if ($check_user==1){块之后,您需要第二个else来处理不存在具有该电子邮件或密码的用户的情况。