
How to make calculations with javascript or jQuery, grabbing values from various different elements?








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    <div id="bodycontainer">
    <div id="getaquote"> <a>
    <button id="quote"> <strong>Get A Quote Now</strong></br>
    <p id="quotetitle"> <strong>Choose The Services You Require:</strong> </p>
    <div id="callus"> <img class="icon" src="images/phoneicon.gif" />
    <p id="call"> 0208 208 4411 </br>
    07850 495 804 </p>
    <div id="emailus"> <img class="icon" src="images/aticon.gif" />
    <p id="email"> EMAIL: INFO
    <p id="smallertxt"> <strong>BelmontTransport.com</strong> </p>
    <div id="minbutton"> <a><img class="minimize" src="images/minimizebutton.png" /></a> </div>
    <div class="quotebuttons"> <a>
    <button id="servcat1"> <strong>Transport</strong> </button>
    </a> <a>
    <button id="servcat2"> <strong>Storage</strong> </button>
    </a> <a>
    <button id="servcat3"> <strong>Freight</strong> </button>
    </a> <a>
    <button id="servcat4"> <strong>Relocation</strong> </button>
    </a> <a>
    <button id="servcat5"> <strong>Exhibition</strong> </button>
    </a> </div>
    <div id="transportopt">
    <div id="dedicatedtransport" onclick="addselected">
    <input type="checkbox" name="options" onclick="options" value=250>
    Dedicated Transport
    <div id="commercialtransport"> Commercial Transport </div>
    <div id="storageopt"> <a>
    <button id="backbutton"> Back </button>
    </a> <a>
    <button id="backbutton2"> Back </button>
    </a> <a>
    <button id="storagebutton1"> Palletised Storage </button>
    </a> <a>
    <button id="storagebutton2"> Boxed Storage </button>
    <div class="optdisplay">
    <div id="noboxes">
    <p class="boxtext">How many boxes do you need to store?</p>
    <div id="boxinputs">
    <input type="text" id="numbofboxes" value="0" name="boxnumber"/>
    <button id="smtbxno"> <img src="images/tick.gif" alt="proceed"/> </button>
    <p class="btw"> Standard box dimensions: 40cm x 40cm x 40cm </p>
    <div id="storetimebox">
    <p class="boxtext"> How long do you need to store for? </p>
    <p class="btw"> Weeks
    <input type="text" id="numbweeks" value="0" name="weekno" />
    <input type="text" id="numbmonths" value="0" name="monthno"/>
    <button id="tick2" onclick="workitout()"> <img src="images/tick.gif" alt="proceed"/> </button>
    <div id="freightopt"> This is where freight options are displayed </div>
    <div id="relocationopt"> This is where relocation options are displayed </div>
    <div id="exhibitionopt"> This is where exhibition options are displayed </div>
    <div id="quoteelements">
    <form id="form">
    <input class="formdata" type="text" name="name">
    <input class="formdata" type="text" name="business">
    <strong>Email Address:</strong>
    <input class="formdata" type="text" name="email">
    <input id="submitbtn" type="submit" value="Get Quote">
    <div id="quotecalc">
    <div id="total">
    <p class="calctitles"> Sub-Total </p>
    <p id="stresult"> WOULD LIKE SUB TOTAL HERE </p>
    <div id="tax">
    <p class="calctitles"> VAT </p>
    <div id="grandtotal">
    <p class="calctitles"> Grand Total </p>
    <p id="numberprice"> </p>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var totalprice=""
    var storagetime=""
    var boxno=""
    function workitout(){
    var a=parseInt(document.boxnumber.value);
    var b=parseInt(document.weekno.value);
    var c=parseInt(document.monthno.value);















jQuery使用val()方法从输入字段中获取数据。您可能希望将此方法用作on.('click', function(){})事件绑定中的回调,以便获取该值。
