我将如何编写准备好的SQL语句,而不是使用real_escape PHP,MySQL

how would i write prepared sql statements rather than using real_escape PHP, MySQL

public $id;
public $filename;
public $type;
public $size;
public $description;
public $title;


$sql = "INSERT INTO photographgallery 
    VALUES ('$sanitized_filename', '$sanitized_type', '$sanitized_size', '$sanitized_description', '$sanitized_title')"; 


在 SQL 中,您将变量替换为问号占位符 ( ? (。通过将查询传递给 mysqli::prepare 来创建mysqli_stmt,然后通过调用 mysqli_stmt::bind_param 将变量绑定到占位符。调用mysqli_stmt::execute以执行插入。它看起来像这样:

$sql = "INSERT INTO photographgallery 
            (filename, type, size, description, title)
            (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
// The string 'ssiss' in the following means 'string, string, int, string, string'
//  and describes the types of the parameters.
$stmt->bind_param('ssiss', $filename, $type, $size, $description, $title);
$stmt->close();  // always clean up after yourself
// Your variables, however you get them.    
$filename = "name1";
$type = "type1";
$size = 100;
$desc = "test desc";
$title = "title"
if($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO photographgallery (filename, type, size, description, title) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") {
    $stmt->bind_param('ssiss', $filename, $type, $size, $desc, $title); //Assuming the variables are string, string, int, string, string respectively

在代码周围使用 if 可确保它仅在 prepare 语句没有错误时才运行。如果存在错误,则 prepare 语句返回 false。