
PHP Fatal error: Class 'PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPStreamConnection' not found

我用pecl install amqp安装了php-amqp扩展,并将extension=amqp.so添加到php.ini中。但在执行rabbitmq's教程中的代码时,我仍然会遇到错误。怎么了?

[root@VM_67_229_centos rabbit_mq_test]# php phpinfo.php  | grep amqp
PHP Warning:  phpinfo(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected the timezone 'UTC' for now, but please set date.timezone to select your timezone. in /data/roxma/rabbit_mq_test/phpinfo.php on line 2
amqp.auto_ack => 0 => 0
amqp.channel_max => 256 => 256
amqp.connect_timeout => 0 => 0
amqp.frame_max => 131072 => 131072
amqp.heartbeat => 0 => 0 => localhost => localhost
amqp.login => guest => guest
amqp.password => guest => guest
amqp.port => 5672 => 5672
amqp.prefetch_count => 3 => 3
amqp.read_timeout => 0 => 0
amqp.timeout => no value => no value
amqp.vhost => / => /
amqp.write_timeout => 0 => 0
[root@VM_67_229_centos rabbit_mq_test]# php send.php 
PHP Fatal error:  Class 'PhpAmqpLib'Connection'AMQPStreamConnection' not found in /data/roxma/rabbit_mq_test/send.php on line 6



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