
Add caching to ZendFormAnnotationAnnotationBuilder

由于我终于在Windows上找到了适用于PHP 5.4.4的memcache二进制文件,我正在加快我目前正在开发的应用程序的速度。

我已经成功地将memcache设置为Doctrine ORM映射缓存驱动程序,但我需要修复另一个漏洞:使用注释构建的表单。




class ZendFormCachedController extends Zend_Controller_Action
    protected $_formId = 'form';
    public function indexAction()
            $frontend = array(
                    'lifetime' => 7200,
                    'automatic_serialization' => true);
            $backend = array('cache_dir' => '/tmp/');
            $cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'File', $frontend, $backend);
            if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
                    $form = $this->getForm(new Zend_Form);
            } else if (! $form = $cache->load($this->_formId)) {
                    $form = $this->getForm(new Zend_Form);
                    $cache->save($form->__toString(), $this->_formId);
            $this->view->form = $form;




 * Creates and returns a form specification for use with a factory
 * Parses the object provided, and processes annotations for the class and
 * all properties. Information from annotations is then used to create
 * specifications for a form, its elements, and its input filter.
 * MODIFIED: Now uses local cache to store parsed annotations
 * @param  string|object $entity Either an instance or a valid class name for an entity
 * @throws Exception'InvalidArgumentException if $entity is not an object or class name
 * @return ArrayObject
public function getFormSpecification($entity)
    if (!is_object($entity)) {
        if ((is_string($entity) && (!class_exists($entity))) // non-existent class
            || (!is_string($entity)) // not an object or string
        ) {
            throw new Exception'InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
                '%s expects an object or valid class name; received "%s"',
                var_export($entity, 1)
    $formSpec = NULL;
    if ($this->cache) { 
        //generate cache key from entity name
        $cacheKey =  (is_string($entity) ? $entity : get_class($entity)) . '_form_cache';
        //get the cached form annotations, try cache first
        $formSpec = $this->cache->getItem($cacheKey);
    if (empty($formSpec)) {
        $this->entity      = $entity;
        $annotationManager = $this->getAnnotationManager();
        $formSpec          = new ArrayObject();
        $filterSpec        = new ArrayObject();
        $reflection  = new ClassReflection($entity);
        $annotations = $reflection->getAnnotations($annotationManager);
        if ($annotations instanceof AnnotationCollection) {
            $this->configureForm($annotations, $reflection, $formSpec, $filterSpec);
        foreach ($reflection->getProperties() as $property) {
            $annotations = $property->getAnnotations($annotationManager);
            if ($annotations instanceof AnnotationCollection) {
                $this->configureElement($annotations, $property, $formSpec, $filterSpec);
        if (!isset($formSpec['input_filter'])) {
            $formSpec['input_filter'] = $filterSpec;
        //save annotations to cache
        if ($this->cache) { 
            $this->cache->addItem($cacheKey, $formSpec);
    return $formSpec;
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