
c - php-read data from table into array and check with condition


while (fscanf(fpt, "%f", &t) == 1)  // read until there are no more samples
total = 0;   // clear our counter
samples[2] = samples[1];   // toss out the old 3rd sample
samples[1] = samples[0];   // and shift them to make room for the
samples[0] = t;            // one we just read
for(i = 0; i<3; i++)
    if(samples[i] > 180)        // if any are over 180
        total++;                // increment our counter
if(total == 2) {                // if 2 of the 3 are over 180, we got 2 out of 3
    printf("2 out of 3 samples are greater than 180!'n");
    printf("1: %f'n2: %f'n3:%f'n", samples[2],samples[1],samples[0]); //this can be change to echo"..."




  $samples = [0,0,0];
  $t = "";
  $fpt = fopen( "php://stdin", "r" ) or die ( "Failed open." );
  while (fscanf($fpt, "%f", $t) == 1)  // read until there are no more $samples
    $total = 0;   // clear our counter
    $samples[2] = $samples[1];   // toss out the old 3rd sample
    $samples[1] = $samples[0];   // and shift them to make room for the
    $samples[0] = $t;            // one we just read
    for($i = 0; $i<3; $i++)
        if($samples[$i] > 180)        // if any are over 180
            $total++;                // increment our counter
    if($total == 2) {                // if 2 of the 3 are over 180, we got 2 out of 3
        printf("2 out of 3 samples are greater than 180!'n");
        printf("1: %f'n2: %f'n3:%f'n", $samples[2],$samples[1],$samples[0]); //this can be change to echo"..."


echo -e "12.0'n.34.5'n.190.45'n450.45'n345.34" | php fscanf.php