HOw替换<;a href="#">;sometext+url</a>;其中用户定义的字

HOw to replace <a href="#" >sometext+url </a> with user defined string using preg_replace?


<a href="#" >sometext+url </a> with url by using preg_replace


function parse_url($url) {
    $url = preg_replace("#<a's*[^>]*href='"#i", "<url>", $url,-1);
    $url = preg_replace("<'a>", "<url>", $url,-1);
    return $url;
function replaceAnchorsWithText($data) {
     * Had to modify $regex so it could post to the site... so I broke it into 6 parts.
    $regex  = '/(<a's*'; // Start of anchor tag
    $regex .= '(.*?)'s*'; // Any attributes or spaces that may or may not exist
    $regex .= 'href=[''"]+?'s*(?P<link>'S+)'s*[''"]+?'; // Grab the link
    $regex .= ''s*(.*?)'s*>'s*'; // Any attributes or spaces that may or may not exist before closing tag 
    $regex .= '(?P<name>'S+)'; // Grab the name
    $regex .= ''s*<'/a>)/i'; // Any number of spaces between the closing anchor tag (case insensitive)
    if (is_array($data)) {
        // This is what will replace the link (modify to you liking)
        $data = "{$data['name']}({$data['link']})";
    return preg_replace_callback($regex, 'replaceAnchorsWithText', $data);
$input  = 'Test 1: <a href="http: //php.net1">PHP.NET1</a>.<br />';
$input .= 'Test 2: <A name="test" HREF=''HTTP: //PHP.NET2'' target="_blank">PHP.NET2</A>.<BR />';
$input .= 'Test 3: <a hRef=http: //php.net3>php.net3</a><br />';
$input .= 'This last line had nothing to do with any of this';
echo replaceAnchorsWithText($input).'<hr/>';


Test 1: PHP.NET1(http: //php.net1).
Test 2: PHP.NET2(HTTP: //PHP.NET2).
Test 3: php.net3 (is still an anchor)
This last line had nothing to do with any of this


function subanchor($url) {
    return preg_replace("#<a's*[^>]*href='"(.*)'".*>(.*)</a>#i", "<url>''1+''2</url>", $url);
echo subanchor($argv[1]);
$ php subacnchor.php  '<a href="">trololol</a>' 