PHp fsockopen()通过Telnet通信

PHp fsockopen() communicating via Telnet



 * Connect to the GMC telnet system
public function connect () {
    $this->connection = fsockopen($this->socket['host'], $this->socket['port'], $errorNumber, $errorMessage, 30);
    if (!$this->connection) {
        $this->error = 'Unable to connect to GMC: '.$errorMessage.' ('.$errorNumber.')';
        return false;
    stream_set_timeout($this->connection, $this->commandTimeout);
    return true;
 * Send a command to GMC
public function send ($command) {
    //write to socket
    if (fwrite($this->connection, $command) === false) {
        $this->error = 'Unable to write to socket';
        return false;
    //read socket
    if (($response = fgets($this->connection)) === false) {
        $this->error = 'Unable to write to socket';
        return false;
    return $response;
 * Disconnects from the GMC telnet system
public function disconnect () {
    return fclose($this->connection);

显然,我所需要做的就是确保在命令末尾包含一个'n !!