Laravel 5:输入参数设置为其他功能

Laravel 5: Set Input parameters to another function


public function functionA(){
   //the rest of the function

It works fine…


public function functionB(){
    $params = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"));
    $name = isset($params->name) ? trim($params->name) : "";
    $age = isset($params->age) ? trim($params->age) : "";
    //I want to do this to save having to write functionA twice:
    Input::set('xxx'... ??? Can I do this?

在laravel 5中应该使用Request()而不是使用Input::get()。你可以把它注入到你的方法中:

public function functionA('Illuminate'Http'Request $request){
   //the rest of the function


public function functionB('Illuminate'Http'Request $request){
    $params = $request; // Not needed, you can simply use $request below...
    $name = isset($params->name) ? trim($params->name) : "";
    $age = isset($params->age) ? trim($params->age) : "";
    //I want to do this to save having to write functionA twice:
    $request->xxx = 'whatever you want';